Category:Raw mode

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  • Raw 008 This is returned when requesting your usermodes with MODE and you have usermode +s set. This is returned when setting/changing snomask level for more info on snomasks see
  • Raw 221 This is returned when requesting your usermodes with the MODE command
  • Raw 324 This is returned when using the MODE command "MODE <channel>"
  • Raw 329 This is returned when using the MODE command "MODE <channel>"
  • Raw 367 This is returned when using the MODE command "MODE <channel> +b"
  • Raw 368 This is returned when using the MODE command "MODE <channel> +b"
  • Raw 396 This is returned when
-having set usermode +x and are logged in with the network
-using the sethost command (setting usermode +h)
-unsetting usermode +h
  • Raw 401 This is returned when a nick does not exist or leaves the network before the message is delivered
  • Raw 403 This is returned when a channel does not exist
  • Raw 441 This is returned when trying to kick/op/voice/deop/devoice someone who is not on the channel
  • Raw 442 This is returned when trying to do something on a channel you are not on, such as changing channel modes
  • Raw 461 This is returned when not enough parameters are specified
  • Raw 467 This is returned when setting a channel key when one is already set returned when unsetting a channel key when none is set
  • Raw 472 This is returned when trying to set an unknown channel mode
  • Raw 478 This is returned when trying to set a ban when the banlist is full
  • Raw 482 This is returned when trying to use a command which requires you to be a channel operator
  • Raw 484 This is returned when trying to kill, kick or deop an IRC Operator with usermode +k set
  • Raw 485 This is returned when trying to kill, kick or deop a network service
  • Raw 498 This is returned when trying to kick or deop an IRC Operator on a local channel (feature NO_OPER_DEOP_LCHAN is TRUE)
  • Raw 501 This is returned when setting an invalid usermode
  • Raw 502 This is returned when trying to set a usermode for someone else
  • Raw 530 This is returned when using the SETHOST command
  • Raw 531 This is returned when using the SETHOST command
  • Raw MODE This shows modes changes.

Pages in category "Raw mode"

The following 24 pages are in this category, out of 24 total.