This is a copy of the database with information on raw (numeric) replies, raw events, and the numeric replies a command can return. This database is used for the raw command on Dana. For now, the actual database on Dana needs to be manually updated when changes are made here.
This database should only contain info on the IRCd used on QuakeNet, that is, only the numerics/commands/events found it its source code.
When updating the database in this article, only update a single entry at a time, clearly describing what entry has been changed and if applicable what IRCd version. Please keep in mind this info is shown on IRC, so an entry must not have too much info/lines, also keep an eye on the length of the lines.
Please keep the database in this order:
- numerics in ascending order
- commands in alphabetical order
- unused/reserved numerics in ascending order
- events in alphabetical order.
The format of this database is as follows: The ¶ is used to mark the start of a new entry, an entry can have multiple lines.
An example/guideline for a numeric:
¶001 numeric: 001 RPL_WELCOME format: <source> 001 <target> :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network [via <provider>], <target> info: returned when connecing, [via <provider>] only appears when the PROVIDER F line has been set, it's used for providing promotional space to providers example: irc.quakenet.org 001 Dana :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network, Dana
An example/guideline for a command:
An example/guideline for an event:
¶error event event: ERROR format: ERROR :Closing Link: <nick> by <source> (<reason>) info: shows you are being disconnected from the server, reason can be excess flood, killed, etc. example: ERROR :closing link: Dana by irc.quakenet.org (excess flood)
Database is based on asuka 1.2.1 and has not yet been updated for snircd 1.3.4a (some new numerics and some numerics with slightly different text)
Here starts the database itself.
¶001 numeric: 001 RPL_WELCOME format: <source> 001 <target> :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network [via <provider>], <target> info: returned when connecing, [via <provider>] only appears when the PROVIDER F line has been set, it's used for providing promotional space to providers example: irc.quakenet.org 001 Dana :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network, Dana ¶002 numeric: 002 RPL_YOURHOST format: <source> 002 <target> :Your host <server>, running version <version> info: returned when connecting example: irc.quakenet.org 002 Dana :Your host is irc.quakenet.org, running version u2.10.11.04+asuka(1.0.6a) ¶003 numeric: 003 RPL_CREATED format: <source> 003 <target> :This server was created <DDD> <MMM> <D> <YYYY> at <HH:NN:SS> <TZ> info: returned when connecting example: irc.quakenet.org 003 Dana :This server was created Mon Mar 8 2004 at 19:10:49 CET ¶004 numeric: 004 RPL_MYINFO format: <source> 004 <target> :<server> <version> <usermodes> <channelmodes> <channelmodes_with_param> info: returned when connecting example: irc.quakenet.org 004 Dana irc.quakenet.org u2.10.11.04+asuka(1.0.6a) dioswkgxXInR biklmnopstvrDcCNu bklov ¶005 numeric: 005 RPL_ISUPPORT format: <source> 005 <target> :<list_of_features> :are supported by this server info: returned when connecting and when using the VERSION command info: features are either a word describing the feature eg: 'SILENCE', or a word describing the feature and an equals and a list of parameters. eg: SILENCE=15 (says that we support silence, and we support up to 15 of them per user), or FOO=12,3 (says we support FOO with parameters 12 and 3) example: irc.quakenet.org 005 Dana WHOX WALLCHOPS WALLVOICES USERIP CPRIVMSG CNOTICE SILENCE=15 MODES=6 MAXCHANNELS=20 MAXBANS=45 NICKLEN=15 TOPICLEN=250 AWAYLEN=160 KICKLEN=250 :are supported by this server example: irc.quakenet.org 005 Dana CHANTYPES=#& PREFIX=(ov)@+ CHANMODES=b,k,l,imnpstrDdcCNu CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 NETWORK=QuakeNet :are supported by this server ¶008 numeric: 008 RPL_SNOMASK format: <source> 008 <target> <snomask> :: Server notice mask (<snomask_hex_value>) info: returned when requesting your usermodes with MODE and you have usermode +s set and when setting/changing snomask level info: for more info on snomasks see http://cvs.undernet.org/viewcvs.py/*checkout*/undernet-ircu/ircu2.10/doc/snomask.html?rev=1.2 example: irc.quakenet.org 008 Dana 32767 :: Server notice mask (0x7FFF) ¶015 numeric: 015 RPL_MAP format: <source> 015 <target> :[<tree>][*|!]<server> (<X>s) [<N> clients] info: returned when using the MAP command. * means the server is bursting, ! means the server has acknowledged the burst, X seconds delay, N clients on the server example: irc.quakenet.org 015 Dana :irc.quakenet.org (0s) [20657 clients] example: irc.quakenet.org 015 Dana :|-!hub1.quakenet.org (0s) [2 clients] example: irc.quakenet.org 015 Dana :`-hub2.quakenet.org (0s) [3 clients] example: irc.quakenet.org 015 Dana : `-*CServe.quakenet.org (0s) [1 clients] ¶016 numeric: 016 RPL_MAPMORE format: <source> 016 <target> :`-----------------------------------------------------------<server> --> *more* info: returned when using the MAP command if the tree is too big in the output example: irc.quakenet.org 016 Dana :`-----------------------------------------------------------hub1.quakenet.org --> *more* ¶017 numeric: 017 RPL_MAPEND format: <source> 017 <target> :End of /MAP info: returned when using the MAP command example: irc.quakenet.org 017 Dana :End of /MAP ¶105 info: 100-199 Reserve numerics 000-099 for server-client connections where the client is local to the server. info: If any server passed a numeric in this range from another server then it is remapped to 100-199. info: 105 reply to remote VERSION request, see numeric 005 ¶200 numeric: 200 RPL_TRACELINK format: <source> 200 <target> Link <version> <mask> <server> info: returned when using the TRACE command, <server> is linked to the network example: irc.quakenet.org 200 Dana Link u2.10.11.04+asuka(1.0.6). CServe.* CServe.quakenet.org ¶201 numeric: 201 RPL_TRACECONNECTING format: <source> 201 <target> Try. <class> <server> info: returned when using the TRACE command, <server> is connecting example: irc.quakenet.org 201 Dana Try. 90 hub1.quakenet.org ¶202 numeric: 202 RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE format: <source> 202 <target> H.S. <class> <server> info: returned when using the TRACE command, <server> is bursting? example: irc.quakenet.org 202 Dana H.S. 90 hub1.quakenet.org ¶203 numeric: 203 RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN format: <source> 203 <target> ???? <class> <ip> info: returned when using the TRACE command, connection is unknown example: irc.quakenet.org 203 Dana ???? 1 ¶204 numeric: 204 RPL_TRACEOPERATOR format: <source> 204 <target> Oper <class> <nick>[@<ip>] <idle_time> info: returned when using the TRACE command, <nick> is an IRC Operator example: irc.quakenet.org 204 Dana Oper 10 Dana[@] 4 ¶205 numeric: 205 RPL_TRACEUSER format: <source> 205 <target> User <class> <nick>[@<ip>] <idle_time> info: returned when using the TRACE command, <nick> is a user example: irc.quakenet.org 205 Dana User 1 Dana[@] 5 ¶206 numeric: 206 RPL_TRACESERVER format: <source> 206 <target> Serv <class> <servers_linked>S <clients>C <connected_by> <nick>!<user>@<host|server> <idle_time> <connection_time> info: returned when using the TRACE command example: irc.quakenet.org 206 Dana Serv 90 2S 6C irc.quakenet.org *!*@hub1.quakenet.org 79 63706 ¶208 numeric: 208 RPL_TRACENEWTYPE format: <source> 208 <target> <newtype> 0 <nick> info: returned when using the TRACE command, connection does not fit in the other categories but is being displayed anyway example: irc.quakenet.org 208 Dana <newtype> 0 Dana ¶209 numeric: 209 RPL_TRACECLASS format: <source> 209 <target> Class <class> <count> info: returned when using the TRACE command example: irc.quakenet.org 209 Dana Class 1 20657 ¶211 numeric: 211 RPL_STATSLINKINFO format: <source> 211 <target> <Connection> <SendQ> <SendM> <SendKBytes> <RcveM> <RcveKBytes> :<Open since> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS l" request example: irc.quakenet.org 211 Dana Connection SendQ SendM SendKBytes RcveM RcveKBytes :Open since example: irc.quakenet.org 211 Dana hub1.quakenet.org 0 1545 90 1536 93 :66729 ¶212 numeric: 212 RPL_STATSCOMMANDS format: <source> 212 <target> <command> <count> <byte_count> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS m" request example: irc.quakenet.org 212 Dana ACCOUNT 41 462 ¶213 numeric: 213 RPL_STATSCLINE format: <source> 213 <target> C <ip|host> <password> <server> <port> <class> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS C" request, some fields may be a '*' example: irc.quakenet.org 213 Dana C * hub1.quakenet.org 4400 90 ¶215 numeric: 215 RPL_STATSILINE format: <source> 215 <target> I <IP_mask_or_crap_to_force_resolving> <password>|<limit> <hostmask> 0 <class> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS I" request, some fields may be a '*' example: irc.quakenet.org 215 Dana I *@* * *@* 0 1 ¶216 numeric: 216 RPL_STATSKLINE format: <source> 216 <target> [k|K] <host>|<ip>|$R<realname> "<reason>|!<file>" <user> 0 0 info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS K" request example: irc.quakenet.org 216 Dana K * "Do not IRC as root" *root 0 0 ¶217 numeric: 217 RPL_STATSPLINE format: <source> 217 <target> P <port> <connection_count> <C|S>[H] <active|disabled> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS P" request, C=client port, S=server port, H=hidden from users example: irc.quakenet.org 217 Dana P 6667 10435 C active ¶218 numeric: 218 RPL_STATSYLINE format: <source> 218 <target> Y <class> <ping_frequency> <connect_frequency> <max_links> <max_sendQ> <links> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS Y" request example: irc.quakenet.org 218 Dana Y 1 90 0 25000 160000 20546 ¶219 numeric: 219 RPL_ENDOFSTATS format: <source> 219 <target> <char> :End of /STATS report info: returned when using the STATS command example: irc.quakenet.org 219 Dana Y :End of /STATS report ¶221 numeric: 221 RPL_UMODEIS format: <source> 221 <target> +[<user_modes>] info: returned when requesting your usermodes with the MODE command example: irc.quakenet.org 221 Dana +ix ¶228 numeric: 228 RPL_STATSQLINE format: <source> 228 <target> Q <channel> :<reason> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS Q" request info: Q:lines, Allows the admin to disallow the usage of /OPMODE and /CLEARMODE on certain sensitive channels. example: irc.quakenet.org 228 Dana #channel :They can take care of themselves ¶236 numeric: 236 RPL_STATSVERBOSE format: <source> 236 <target> <Servername> <Uplink> <Flags> <Hops> <Numeric> <Lag> <RTT> <Up> <Down> <Clients/Max> <Proto> <LinkTS> :<info> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS v" request example: irc.quakenet.org 236 Dana Servername Uplink Flags Hops Numeric Lag RTT Up Down Clients/Max Proto LinkTS :Info example: irc.quakenet.org 236 Dana irc.quakenet.org hub1.quakenet.org ---- 1 AD 3 107190866 0 0 0 4 127 P10 1100716866 :hub server ¶237 numeric: 237 RPL_STATSENGINE format: <source> 237 <target> <engine> :Event loop engine info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS e" request example: irc.quakenet.org 237 Dana poll() :Event loop engine ¶238 numeric: 238 RPL_STATSFLINE format: <source> 238 <target> F <option> <value> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS F" request example: irc.quakenet.org 238 Dana F HIDDEN_HOST users.quakenet.org ¶241 numeric: 241 RPL_STATSLLINE format: <source> 241 <target> L <disallowed_hostmask> * <servermask> <max_depth> -1 info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS H" request example: irc.quakenet.org 241 Dana L * hub1.quakenet.org 5 -1 ¶242 numeric: 242 RPL_STATSUPTIME format: <source> 242 <target> :Server Up <N> days, <HH:NN:SS> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS u" request example: irc.quakenet.org 242 Dana :Server Up 0 days, 0:28:56 ¶243 numeric: 243 RPL_STATSOLINE format: <source> 243 <target> [o|O] <mask> <password> <ID> 0 <class> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS O" request, O=global oper, o=local oper, some fields may be a '*' example: irc.quakenet.org 243 Dana O *@ * Dana 0 10 ¶244 numeric: 244 RPL_STATSHLINE format: <source> 244 <target> H <allowed_hostmask> * <servername> <max_hops> -1 info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS h" request example: irc.quakenet.org 244 Dana H * hub1.quakenet.org 0 -1 ¶246 numeric: 246 RPL_STATSTLINE format: <source> 246 <target> T <classnumber>|<hostmask> <file> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS T" request example: irc.quakenet.org 246 Dana T *.nl nl.motd ¶247 numeric: 247 RPL_STATSGLINE format: <source> 247 <target> G <mask> <expire> :<reason> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS g" request example: irc.quakenet.org 247 Dana G *!*@ 1149164936 :clones ¶248 numeric: 248 RPL_STATSULINE format: <source> 248 <target> U <server> <nicks> * 0 -1 info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS U" request example: irc.quakenet.org 248 Dana U CServe.quakenet.org Q * 0 -1 ¶249 numeric: 249 RPL_STATSDEBUG format: <source> 249 <target> :<text> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS z" request example: irc.quakenet.org 249 Dana :Clients 10(2080) Connections 4(3424) example: irc.quakenet.org 249 Dana :Users 7(1456) Accounts 2(32) Invites 0(0) ¶250 numeric: 250 RPL_STATSCONN format: <source> 250 <target> :Highest connection count: <connection_count> (<client_count> clients) info: returned when using STATS command, "STATS w" request example: irc.quakenet.org 250 Dana :Highest connection count: 25001 (25000 clients) ¶251 numeric: 251 RPL_LUSERCLIENT format: <source> 251 <target> :There are <visible_users> users and <invisible_users> invisible on <server_count> servers info: returned when using the LUSERS command example: irc.quakenet.org 251 Dana :There are 73276 users and 156690 invisible on 41 servers ¶252 numeric: 252 RPL_LUSEROP format: <source> 252 <target> <oper_count> :operator(s) online info: returned when using the LUSERS command example: irc.quakenet.org 252 Dana 75 :operator(s) online ¶253 numeric: 253 RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN format: <source> 253 <target> <count> :unknown connection(s) info: returned when using the LUSERS command example: irc.quakenet.org 253 Dana 233 :unknown connection(s) ¶254 numeric: 254 RPL_LUSERCHANNELS format: <source> 254 <target> <channel_count> :channels formed info: returned when using the LUSERS command example: irc.quakenet.org 254 Dana 196336 :channels formed ¶255 numeric: 255 RPL_LUSERME format: <source> 255 <target> :I have <client_count> clients and <servers_linked> servers info: returned when using the LUSERS command example: irc.quakenet.org 255 Dana :I have 15808 clients and 1 servers ¶256 numeric: 256 RPL_ADMINME format: <source> 256 <target> :Administrative info about <server> info: returned when using the ADMIN command example: irc.quakenet.org 256 Dana :Administrative info about irc.quakenet.org ¶257 numeric: 257 RPL_ADMINLOC1 format: <source> 257 <target> :<text> info: returned when using the ADMIN command example: irc.quakenet.org 257 Dana :The QuakeNet IRC Network - www.quakenet.org ¶258 numeric: 258 RPL_ADMINLOC2 format: <source> 258 <target> :<text> info: returned when using the ADMIN command example: irc.quakenet.org 258 Dana :QuakeNet IRC Server ¶259 numeric: 259 RPL_ADMINEMAIL format: <source> 259 <target> :<text> info: returned when using the ADMIN command example: irc.quakenet.org 259 Dana :IRC Admins <mail@host> ¶270 numeric: 270 RPL_PRIVS format: <source> 270 <target> <nick> :<available> info: returned when using the PRIVS command example: irc.quakenet.org 270 Dana Dana :CHAN_LIMIT SHOW_INVIS SHOW_ALL_INVIS KILL LOCAL_KILL REHASH RESTART GLINE LOCAL_GLINE JUPE LOCAL_JUPE OPMODE LOCAL_OPMODE WHOX SEE_CHAN PROPAGATE DISPLAY SEE_OPERS FORCE_OPMODE FORCE_LOCAL_OPMODE ¶271 numeric: 271 RPL_SILELIST format: <source> 271 <target> <nick> <mask> info: returned when using the SILENCE command example: irc.quakenet.org 271 Dana Dana *!*@evil.host.com ¶272 numeric: 272 RPL_ENDOFSILELIST format: <source> 272 <target> <nick> :End of Silence List info: returned when using the SILENCE command example: irc.quakenet.org 272 Dana Dana :End of Silence List ¶275 numeric: 275 RPL_STATSDLINE format: <source> 275 <target> [d|D] <servermask> <rule> info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS d" request, D=server will refuse to connect to.., d=server will not autoconnect to.. example: irc.quakenet.org 275 Dana d hub2.quakenet.org connected(hub1.quakenet.org) ¶280 numeric: 280 RPL_GLIST format: <source> 280 <target> <mask> <expire_ts> <target> <+|-> :<reason> info: returned when using the GLINE command example: irc.quakenet.org 280 Dana *!root@* 1358009301 * + :don't irc as root ¶281 numeric: 281 RPL_ENDOFGLIST format: <source> 281 <target> :End of G-line List info: returned when using the GLINE command example: irc.quakenet.org 281 Dana :End of G-line List ¶282 numeric: 282 RPL_JUPELIST format: <source> 282 <target> <mask> <expire_ts> * <+|-> :<reason> info: returned when using the JUPE command example: irc.quakenet.org 282 Dana hud.de.quakenet.org 1107199864 * + :bad uplink ¶283 numeric: 283 RPL_ENDOFJUPELIST format: <source> 283 <target> :End of Jupe List info: returned when using the JUPE command example: irc.quakenet.org 283 Dana :End of Jupe List ¶284 numeric: 284 RPL_FEATURE format: <source> 284 <target> :<text> info: returned when using the GET command example: irc.quakenet.org 284 Dana :String value of HIDDEN_HOST: users.quakenet.org example: irc.quakenet.org 284 Dana :String value for PROVIDER not set ¶286 numeric: 286 RPL_CHKHEAD format: <source> 286 <target> :Information for <user|host|channel|server> <nick>|<host>|<channel>|<server> info: returned when using the CHECK command example: irc.quakenet.org 286 Dana :Information for user Dana example: irc.quakenet.org 286 Dana :Information for host evil.host.com example: irc.quakenet.org 286 Dana :Information for channel #channel example: irc.quakenet.org 286 Dana :Information for server hub1.quakenet.org ¶287 numeric: 287 RPL_CHANUSER format: <source> 287 <target> : [<clone_count>] [@|+]<nick> (<user>@<host>) (<account>) <realname> info: returned when using the CHECK command, "CHECK <channel>" example: irc.quakenet.org 287 Dana : 2 @Dana (Dana@ (Dana) Dana ¶290 numeric: 290 RPL_DATASTR format: <source> 290 <target> :<text> info: returned when using the CHECK command example: irc.quakenet.org 290 Dana :No. Nick User Host example irc.quakenet.org 290 Dana :1 Dana Dana evil.host.com ¶291 numeric: 291 RPL_ENDOFCHECK format: <source> 291 <target> :[<text>] info: returned when using the CHECK command example: irc.quakenet.org 291 Dana : ¶301 numeric: 301 RPL_AWAY format: <source> 301 <target> <nick> :<away message> info: returned when using the WHOIS or WHOWAS command on a user who is (was) marked as being away info: returned when sending a PRIVMSG, CPRIVMSG, CNOTICE or INVITE to a user who is marked as being away example: irc.quakenet.org 301 Dana Dana :away from keyboard ¶302 numeric: 302 RPL_USERHOST format: <source> 302 <target> :<info> info: returned when using the USERHOST command info: <info> is a space seperated list of one or more of <nick>[*]=<+|-><user@host>, <nick> is the nick of the user, * means the user is an IRC Operator, + means the user is not marked as being away, - means the user is marked as being away, user@host is the part from nick!user@host example: irc.quakenet.org 302 Dana :Q*=+TheQBot@CServe.quakenet.org Dana=-Dana@Dana.users.quakenet.org ¶303 numeric: 303 RPL_ISON format: <source> 303 <target> :<nick> info: returned when using the ISON command, <nick> is a space seperated list of one or more nicks example: irc.quakenet.org 303 Dana :Q Dana ¶304 numeric: 304 RPL_TEXT format: <source> 304 <target> Type Spoofhost [Realhost Ident] info: returned for a "STATS S" request, [Realhost Ident] is only shown to IRC Operators example: irc.quakenet.org 304 Dana # Type Spoofhost Realhost Ident ¶305 numeric: 305 RPL_UNAWAY format: <source> 305 <target> :You are no longer marked as being away info: returned when using the AWAY command without params example: irc.quakenet.org 305 Dana :You are no longer marked as being away ¶306 numeric: 306 RPL_NOWAWAY format: <source> 306 <target> :You have been marked as being away info: returned when using the AWAY command with a message example: irc.quakenet.org 306 Dana :You have been marked as being away ¶311 numeric: 311 RPL_WHOISUSER format: <source> 311 <target> <nick> <user> <host> * :<realname> info: returned when using the WHOIS command example: irc.quakenet.org 311 Dana Dana ~Dana Dana.users.quakenet.org * :Dana ¶312 numeric: 312 RPL_WHOISSERVER format: <source> 312 <target> <nick> <server> :<server info> info: returned when using the WHOIS or WHOWAS command example: irc.quakenet.org 312 Dana Dana *.quakenet.org :QuakeNet IRC Server ¶313 numeric: 313 RPL_WHOISOPERATOR format: <source> 313 <target> <nick> :is an IRC Operator info: returned when using the WHOIS command example: irc.quakenet.org 313 Dana Q :is an IRC Operator ¶314 numeric: 314 RPL_WHOWASUSER format: <source> 314 <target> <nick> <user> <host> * :<realname> info: returned when using the WHOWAS command example: irc.quakenet.org 314 Dana Dana- Dana Dana.users.quakenet.org * :Dana ¶315 numeric: 315 RPL_ENDOFWHO format: <source> 315 <target> <mask> :End of /WHO list. info: returned when using the WHO command example: irc.quakenet.org 315 Dana #channel :End of /WHO list. ¶317 numeric: 317 RPL_WHOISIDLE format: <source> 317 <target> <nick> <idle_time> <signon_time> :seconds idle, signon time info: returned when using the WHOIS command example: irc.quakenet.org 317 Dana Dana 5 1084458353 :seconds idle, signon time ¶318 numeric: 318 RPL_ENDOFWHOIS format: <source> 318 <target> <mask> :End of /WHOIS list. info: returned when using the WHOIS command example: irc.quakenet.org 318 Dana Dana :End of /WHOIS list. ¶319 numeric: 319 RPL_WHOISCHANNELS format: <source> 319 <target> <nick> :<channels> info: returned when using the WHOIS command. <channels> is a space seperated list of one or more channels. channels are listed from newest to oldest as received by the server (joined by the user or bursted) in that order. info: each channel is formatted as [-][!][@|+|<]<channel>, where @ (+) means the user is opped (voiced) on the channel, < means the user is hidden on the channel (chanmode +D/+d), ! for zombie, if the user has set usermode +d (deafmode) a '-' appears in front of all channels example: irc.quakenet.org 319 Dana Dana :@#chan1 +#chan2 #chan3 <#chan4 !#chan5 !@#chan6 example: irc.quakenet.org 319 Dana Dana :-@#chan1 -+#chan2 -#chan3 -<#chan4 -!#chan5 -!@#chan6 ¶321 numeric: 321 RPL_LISTSTART format: <source> 321 <target> Channel :Users Name info: returned when using the LIST command example: irc.quakenet.org 321 Dana Channel :Users name ¶322 numeric: 322 RPL_LIST format: <source> 322 <target> <channel> <user_count> :[<topic>] info: returned when using the LIST command example: irc.quakenet.org 322 Dana #channel 23 :welcome! ¶323 numeric: 323 RPL_LISTEND format: <source> 323 <target> :End of /LIST info: returned when using the LIST command example: irc.quakenet.org 323 Dana :End of /LIST ¶324 numeric: 324 RPL_CHANNELMODEIS format: <source> 324 <target> <channel> +[<modes>] info: returned when using the MODE command, "MODE <channel>" example: irc.quakenet.org 324 Dana #channel +tncCNul 30 ¶329 numeric: 329 RPL_CREATIONTIME format: <source> 329 <target> <channel> <time> info: returned when using the MODE command, "MODE <channel>" example: irc.quakenet.org 329 Dana #channel 1068641412 ¶330 numeric: 330 RPL_WHOISACCOUNT format: <source> 330 <target> <nick> <account> :is authed as info: returned when using the WHOIS command, on UnderNet "is logged in as" is shown as text example: irc.quakenet.org 330 Dana Dana Dana :is authed as ¶331 numeric: 331 RPL_NOTOPIC format: <source> 331 <target> <channel> :No topic is set. info: returned when using the TOPIC command when no topic is set example: irc.quakenet.org 331 Dana #channel :No topic is set. ¶332 numeric: 332 RPL_TOPIC format: <source> 332 <target> <channel> :<topic> info: returned when using the TOPIC command and when joining a channel (where a topic is set) example: irc.quakenet.org 332 Dana #channel :welcome! ¶333 numeric: 333 RPL_TOPICWHOTIME format: <source> 333 <target> <channel> <nick> <time> info: returned when using the TOPIC command and when joining a channel (where a topic is set) example: irc.quakenet.org 333 Dana #channel Dana 1084528186 ¶334 numeric: 334 RPL_LISTUSAGE format: <source> 334 <target> :<info>, returned when using the LIST command "/QUOTE LIST :" example: irc.quakenet.org 334 Dana :Usage: /QUOTE LIST parameters example: irc.quakenet.org 334 Dana :Where parameters is a space or comma seperated list of one or more of: ¶338 numeric: 338 RPL_WHOISACTUALLY format: <source> 338 <target> <nick> <user>@<host> <ip> :Actual user@host, Actual IP info: returned when using the WHOIS command example: irc.quakenet.org 338 Dana Dana Dana@evil.host.com :Actual user@host, Actual IP ¶340 numeric: 340 RPL_USERIP format: <source> 340 <target> :<info> info: returned when using the USERIP command, <info> is a space seperated list of one or more of <nick>[*]=<+|-><user@ip> info: <nick> is the nick of the user, * means the user is an IRC Operator, + means the user is not marked as being away, - means the user is marked as being away, user@ip is the part from nick!user@ip example: irc.quakenet.org 340 Dana :Q*=+TheQBot@ Dana=-Dana@ ¶341 numeric: 341 RPL_INVITING format: <source> 341 <target> <nick> <channel> info: returned when using the INVITE command, "INVITE <user> <channel>" example: irc.quakenet.org 341 Dana L #channel ¶346 numeric: 346 RPL_INVITELIST format: <source> 346 <target> :<channel> info: returned when using the INVITE command, "INVITE" example: irc.quakenet.org 346 Dana :#channel ¶347 numeric: 347 RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST format: <source> 347 <target> :End of Invite List info: returned when using the INVITE command, "INVITE" example: irc.quakenet.org 347 Dana :End of Invite List ¶351 numeric: 351 RPL_VERSION format: <source> 351 <target> <version> <server> :<info> info: returned when using the VERSION command, <info> are the server options/info info: A=Assertion checks enabled B=The size of the bufferpool in mega bytes C=CMDLINE_CONFIG is defined, etc. example: irc.quakenet.org 351 Dana u2.10.11.04+asuka(1.0.6a). irc.quakenet.org :B96AeEFfIKMpSU ¶352 numeric: 352 RPL_WHOREPLY format: <source> 352 <target> <channel> <user> <host> <server> <nick> <flags> :<distance> <realname> info: returned when using the WHO command example: irc.quakenet.org 352 Dana #channel Dana Dana.users.quakenet.org *.quakenet.org Dana G+x :0 Dana ¶353 numeric: 353 RPL_NAMREPLY format: <source> 353 <target> <=|*|@> <channel> :<names> info: returned when using the NAMES command and when joining a channel info: <=|*|@>, if neither chanmode +p nor +s is set, a = is returned, if chanmode +p is set, a * is returned, if chanmode +s is set, a @ is returned example: irc.quakenet.org 353 Dana = #channel :@L Dana +fiDanaot ¶354 numeric: 354 RPL_WHOSPCRPL format: <source> 354 <target> [<querytype>] [<channel>] [<user>] [<ip>] [<host>] [<server>] [<nick>] [<flags>] [<distance>] [<idle_time>] [<account>] [:<realname>] info: returned when using the WHO command example: irc.quakenet.org 354 Dana 544 #channel Dana Dana.users.quakenet.org *.quakenet.org Dana G+x 3 0 Dana :Dana ¶355 numeric: 355 RPL_DELNAMREPLY format: <source> 355 <target> <=|*|@> <channel> :<names> info: returned when using the NAMES command, "NAMES -d <channel>" info: <=|*|@>, if neither chanmode +p nor +s is set, a = is returned, if chanmode +p is set, a * is returned, if chanmode +s is set, a @ is returned example: irc.quakenet.org 355 Dana = #channel :fiDanaot ¶362 numeric: 362 RPL_CLOSING format: <source> 362 <target> <nick> :Operator enforced Close info: returned when using the CLOSE command example: irc.quakenet.org 362 Dana Dana :Operator enforced Close ¶363 numeric: 363 RPL_CLOSEEND format: <source> 363 <target> <N> :Connections Closed info: returned when using the CLOSE command example: irc.quakenet.org 363 Dana 2 :Connections Closed ¶364 numeric: 364 RPL_LINKS format: <source> 364 <target> <server1> <server2> :<distance> <description_server1> info: returned when using the LINKS command, <server1> connected to <server2>, and <distance> servers between you and <server1> example: irc.quakenet.org 364 Dana CServe.quakenet.org irc.quakenet.org :2 The Q Bot ¶365 numeric: 365 RPL_ENDOFLINKS format: <source> 365 <target> <mask> :End of /LINKS list. info: returned when using the LINKS command example: irc.quakenet.org 365 Dana * :End of /LINKS list. ¶366 numeric: 366 RPL_ENDOFNAMES format: <source> 366 <target> <channel> :End of /NAMES list. info: returned when using the NAMES command and by joining a channel example: irc.quakenet.org 366 Dana #channel :End of /NAMES list. ¶367 numeric: 367 RPL_BANLIST format: <source> 367 <target> <channel> <banmask> <nick> <time> info: returned when using the MODE command, "MODE <channel> +b" example: irc.quakenet.org 367 Dana #channel *!*@ Dana 1083834723 ¶368 numeric: 368 RPL_ENDOFBANLIST format: <source> 368 <target> <channel> :End of Channel Ban List info: returned when using the MODE command, "MODE <channel> +b" example: irc.quakenet.org 368 Dana #channel :End of Channel Ban List ¶369 numeric: 369 RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS format: <source> 369 <target> <mask> :End of WHOWAS info: returned when using the WHOWAS command example: irc.quakenet.org 369 Dana Q :End of WHOWAS ¶371 numeric: 371 RPL_INFO format: <source> 371 <target> :<text> info: returned when using the INFO command example: irc.quakenet.org 371 Dana :IRC -- example: irc.quakenet.org 371 Dana :This program is free software; see LICENSE in the distribution ¶372 numeric: 372 RPL_MOTD format: <source> 372 <target> :- <text> info: returned when using the MOTD command and when connecting example: irc.quakenet.org 372 Dana :- ... This server accepts connections on the following ports: ... ¶374 numeric: 374 RPL_ENDOFINFO format: <source> 374 <target> :End of /INFO list. info: returned when using the INFO command example: irc.quakenet.org 374 Dana :End of /INFO list. ¶375 numeric: 375 RPL_MOTDSTART format: <source> 375 <target> :- <server> Message of the Day - info: returned when using the MOTD command and when connecting example: irc.quakenet.org 375 Dana :- irc.quakenet.org Message of the Day - ¶376 numeric: 376 RPL_ENDOFMOTD format: <source> 376 <target> :End of /MOTD command. info: returned when using the MOTD command and when connecting (if the motd is send) example: irc.quakenet.org 376 Dana :End of /MOTD command. ¶381 numeric: 381 RPL_YOUREOPER format: <source> 381 <target> :You are now an IRC Operator info: returned when using the OPER command to log in as IRC Operator example: irc.quakenet.org 381 Dana :You are now an IRC Operator ¶382 numeric: 382 RPL_REHASHING format: <source> 382 <target> [<file>] :[Rehashing|Reopening log files|Flushing MOTD cache] info: returned when using the REHASH command, "REHASH", "REHASH l", "REHASH m" example: irc.quakenet.org 382 Dana ircd.conf :Rehashing ¶391 numeric: 391 RPL_TIME format: <source> 391 <target> <server> <timestamp> <offset> :<DAY> <MMM> <DD> <YYYY> -- <HH:NN> [+|-]<HH:NN> info: returned when using the TIME command example: irc.quakenet.org 391 Dana irc.quakenet.org 1084533226 -338 :Friday May 14 2004 -- 13:19 +02:00 ¶396 numeric: 396 RPL_HOSTHIDDEN format: <source> 396 <target> [<user>@]<host> :is now your hidden host info: returned when: having set usermode +x and are logged in with the network; using the sethost command (setting usermode +h); unsetting usermode +h example: irc.quakenet.org 396 Dana Dana.users.quakenet.org :is now your hidden host ¶398 numeric: 398 RPL_STATSSLINE format: <source> 398 <target> <number> <oper|user> <spoofed_host> [<mask> <user>] info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS S", only IRC Operators can see <mask> <user> and S:lines for oper example: irc.quakenet.org 398 Dana 1 oper evil.host.com foo ¶399 numeric: 399 RPL_USINGSLINE format: <source> 399 <target> :Using S-line privilege info: returned when an S line is auto-applied when you connect example: irc.quakenet.org 399 Dana :Using S-line privilege ¶401 numeric: 401 ERR_NOSUCHNICK format: <source> 401 <target> <nick> :No such nick format: <source> 401 <target> <nick> :Target left <network>. Failed to deliever: [<first_20_chars_of_message>] info: returned when a nick does not exist or leaves the network before the message is delivered example: irc.quakenet.org 401 Dana Q :No such nick example: irc.quakenet.org 401 Dana * :Target left QuakeNet. Failed to deliver: [cows go moo!] ¶402 numeric: 402 ERR_NOSUCHSERVER format: <source> 402 <target> <server> :No such server info: returned when a server does not exist example: irc.quakenet.org 402 Dana hub1.quakenet.org :No such server ¶403 numeric: 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL format: <source> 403 <target> <channel> :No such channel info: returned when a channel does not exist example: irc.quakenet.org 403 Dana #channel :No such channel ¶404 numeric: 404 ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN format: <source> 404 <target> <channel> :Cannot send to channel info: returned when a message to a channel is blocked by a channel mode or ban example: irc.quakenet.org 404 Dana #channel :Cannot send to channel ¶405 numeric: 405 ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS format: <source> 405 <target> <channel> :You have joined too many channels info: returned when trying to join more channels than is allowed example: irc.quakenet.org 405 Dana #channel :You have joined too many channels ¶406 numeric: 406 ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK format: <source> 406 <target> <nick> :There was no such nickname info: returned when using WHOWAS command and there was no such nick example: irc.quakenet.org 406 Dana Q :There was no such nickname ¶408 numeric: 408 ERR_SEARCHNOMATCH format: <source> 408 <target> :<command> <mask> No matching record(s) found info: returned when using a command such as CHECK and no match is found example: irc.quakenet.org 408 Dana :CHECK *.de No matching record(s) found ¶409 numeric: 409 ERR_NOORIGIN format: <source> 409 <target> :No origin specified info: returned when using the PING and PONG commands without the originator parameter example: irc.quakenet.org 409 Dana :No origin specified ¶411 numeric: 411 ERR_NORECIPIENT format: <source> 411 <target> :No recipient given (<command>) info: returned when no target is specified for the command, such as PRIVMSG and NOTICE example: irc.quakenet.org 411 Dana :No recipient given (PRIVMSG) ¶412 numeric: 412 ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND format: <source> 412 <target> :No text to send info: returned when using PRIVMSG or NOTICE without text to send example: irc.quakenet.org 412 Dana :No text to send ¶413 numeric: 413 ERR_NOTOPLEVEL format: <source> 413 <target> <mask> :No toplevel domain specified info: returned when using $<mask> as target (broadcast) in PRIVMSG or NOTICE commands example: irc.quakenet.org 413 Dana $* :No toplevel domain specified ¶414 numeric: 414 ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL format: <source> 414 <target> <mask> :Wildcard in toplevel Domain info: returned when a wildcard is in the toplevel domain in <mask> example: irc.quakenet.org 414 Dana $*.de* :Wildcard in toplevel Domain ¶416 numeric: 416 ERR_QUERYTOOLONG format: <source> 416 <target> <command> :Too many lines in the output, restrict your query info: returned when a request returns too many results, for example using "WHO *" or "WHOIS *" example: irc.quakenet.org 416 Dana WHO :Too many lines in the output, restrict your query ¶421 numeric: 421 ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND format: <source> 421 <target> <command> :Unknown command info: returned when using an unknown command example: irc.quakenet.org 421 Dana cow :Unknown command ¶422 numeric: 422 ERR_NOMOTD format: <source> 422 <target> :MOTD File is missing info: returned when using the MOTD command or when connecting and the MOTD file is missing example: irc.quakenet.org 422 Dana :MOTD File is missing ¶423 numeric: 423 ERR_NOADMININFO format: <source> 423 <target> <server> :No administrative info available info: returned when using the ADMIN command and no info is available example: irc.quakenet.org 423 Dana irc.quakenet.org :No administrative info available ¶431 numeric: 431 ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN format: <source> 431 <target> :No nickname given info: returned when using a command which requires a nick parameter such as WHOIS and none is given example: irc.quakenet.org 431 Dana :No nickname given ¶432 numeric: 432 ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME format: <source> 432 <target> <nick> :Erroneous Nickname info: returned when trying to change nick to an erroneous nickname (either invalid or G-lined) example: irc.quakenet.org 432 Dana -Dana :Erroneus nickname ¶433 numeric: 433 ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE format: <source> 433 <target> <nick> :Nickname is already in use. info: returned when trying to change nick which is already used example: irc.quakenet.org 433 Dana Q :Nickname is already in use. ¶436 numeric: 436 ERR_NICKCOLLISION format: <source> 436 <target> <nick> :Nickname collision KILL info: returned when a nickname collision occurs on your nick, and you are disconnected right after example: irc.quakenet.org 436 Dana Dana :Nickname collision KILL ¶437 numeric: 437 ERR_BANNICKCHANGE format: <source> 437 <target> <channel> :Cannot change nickname while banned on channel info: returned when changing nick and you are banned on a channel example: irc.quakenet.org 437 Dana #channel :Cannot change nickname while banned on channel ¶438 numeric: 438 ERR_NICKTOOFAST format: <source> 438 <target> <nick> :Nick change too fast. Please wait <seconds> seconds. info: returned when changing nick too fast example: irc.quakenet.org 438 Dana Dana- :Nick change too fast. Please wait 29 seconds. ¶439 numeric: 439 ERR_TARGETTOOFAST format: <source> 439 <target> <new_target> :Target change too fast. Please wait <N> seconds. info: returned when changing target and you have no free targets left example: irc.quakenet.org 439 Dana #channel :Target change too fast. Please wait 30 seconds. ¶441 numeric: 441 ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL format: <source> 441 <target> <nick> <channel> :They aren't on that channel info: returned when trying to kick/op/voice/deop/devoice someone who is not on the channel example: irc.quakenet.org 441 Dana fiDanaot #channel :They aren't on that channel ¶442 numeric: 442 ERR_NOTONCHANNEL format: <source> 442 <target> <channel> :You're not on that channel info: returned when trying to do something on a channel you are not on, such as changing channel modes example: irc.quakenet.org 442 Dana #channel :You're not on that channel ¶443 numeric: 443 ERR_USERONCHANNEL format: <source> 443 <target> <nick> <channel> :is already on channel info: returned when trying to invite a user who is already on the channel example: irc.quakenet.org 443 Dana fiDanaot #channel :is already on channel ¶451 numeric: 451 ERR_NOTREGISTERED format: <source> 451 <target> [<target>] :Register first. info: returned when sending commands before the client is registered example: irc.quakenet.org 451 * :Register first. example: irc.quakenet.org 451 Dana Dana :Register first. ¶461 numeric: 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS format: <source> 461 <target> <command> [<param>] :Not enough parameters info: returned when not enough parameters are specified example: irc.quakenet.org 461 Dana JOIN :Not enough parameters example: irc.quakenet.org 461 Dana MODE +k :Not enough parameters ¶462 numeric: 462 ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED format: <source> 462 <target> :You may not reregister info: returned when using USER or SERVER command after being registered example: irc.quakenet.org 462 Dana :You may not reregister ¶464 numeric: 464 ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH format: <source> 464 <target> :Password Incorrect info: returned when trying to OPER with the wrong password and when connecting with the wrong password example: irc.quakenet.org 464 Dana :Password incorrect ¶465 numeric: 465 ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP format: <source> 465 <target> :<reason> info: returned before the connection is closed when you are G-lined or K-lined example: irc.quakenet.org 465 Dana :Connection from your host is refused on this server. ¶467 numeric: 467 ERR_KEYSET format: <source> 467 <target> <channel> :Channel key already set info: returned when setting a channel key when one is already set and when unsetting a channel key when none is set example: irc.quakenet.org 467 Dana #channel :Channel key already set ¶468 numeric: 468 ERR_INVALIDUSERNAME format: <source> 468 <target> :info info: returned when trying to connect with an invalid username example: irc.quakenet.org 468 Dana :Your username is invalid. ¶471 numeric: 471 ERR_CHANNELISFULL format: <source> 471 <target> <channel> :Cannot join channel, channel is full (+l) info: returned when trying to join a channel which is full example: irc.quakenet.org 471 Dana #channel :Cannot join channel, channel is full (+l) ¶472 numeric: 472 ERR_UNKNOWNMODE format: <source> 472 <target> <char> :is unknown mode char to me info: returned when trying to set an unknown channel mode example: irc.quakenet.org 472 Dana A :is unknown mode char to me ¶473 numeric: 473 ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN format: <source> 473 <target> <channel> :Cannot join channel, you must be invited (+i) info: returned when trying to join an invite only channel (when not invited) example: irc.quakenet.org 473 Dana #channel :Cannot join channel, you must be invited (+i) ¶474 numeric: 474 ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN format: <source> 474 <target> <channel> :Cannot join channel, you are banned (+b) info: returned when trying to join a channel when you are banned example: irc.quakenet.org 474 Dana #channel :Cannot join channel, you are banned (+b) ¶475 numeric: 475 ERR_BADCHANNELKEY format: <source> 475 <target> <channel> :Cannot join channel, you need the correct key (+k) info: returned when trying to join a +k channel without the correct key example: irc.quakenet.org 475 Dana #channel :Cannot join channel, you need the correct key (+k) ¶477 numeric: 477 ERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK format: <source> 477 <target> <channel> :Cannot join channel, you must be authed to join (+r) info: returned when trying to join a channel where chanmode +r is set and you are not registered example: irc.quakenet.org 477 Dana #channel :Cannot join channel, you must be authed to join (+r) ¶478 numeric: 478 ERR_BANLISTFULL format: <source> 478 <target> <channel> <mask> :Channel ban/ignore list is full info: returned when trying to set a ban when the banlist is full example: irc.quakenet.org 478 Dana #channel *!*@evil.host.com :Channel ban/ignore list is full ¶479 numeric: 479 ERR_BADCHANNAME format: <source> 479 <target> <channel> :Cannot join channel (G-lined: <reason>) info: returned when trying to join a channel which is G-lined example: irc.quakenet.org 479 Dana #channel :Cannot join channel (G-lined: network misuse) ¶481 numeric: 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES format: <source> 481 <target> :Permission Denied: Insufficient privileges info: returned when you have insufficient privileges to use the command example: irc.quakenet.org 481 Dana :Permission Denied: Insufficient privileges ¶482 numeric: 482 ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED format: <source> 482 <target> <channel> :You're not channel operator info: returned when trying to use a command which requires you to be a channel operator example: irc.quakenet.org 482 Dana #channel :You're not channel operator ¶483 numeric: 483 ERR_CANTKILLSERVER format: <source> 483 <target> :You cant kill a server! info: returned when trying to use KILL on a server example: irc.quakenet.org 483 Dana :You cant kill a server! ¶484 numeric: 484 ERR_ISCHANSERVICE format: <source> 484 <target> <nick> <channel> :Cannot kill, kick or deop an IRC operator format: <source> 484 <target> KILL <nick> :Cannot kill, kick or deop an IRC operator info: returned when trying to kill, kick or deop an IRC Operator with usermode +k set example irc.quakenet.org 484 Dana Dana #channel :Cannot kill, kick or deop an IRC operator example: irc.quakenet.org 484 Dana KILL Dana :Cannot kill, kick or deop an IRC operator ¶485 numeric: 485 ERR_ISREALSERVICE format: <source> 485 <target> <nick> <channel> :Cannot kill, kick or deop a network service format: <source> 485 <target> KILL <nick> :Cannot kill, kick or deop a network service info: returned when trying to kill, kick or deop a network service example: irc.quakenet.org 485 Dana Q #channel :Cannot kill, kick or deop a network service example: irc.quakenet.org 485 Dana KILL Q :Cannot kill, kick or deop a network service ¶486 numeric: 486 ERR_ACCOUNTONLY format: <source> 486 <target> <nick> :You must be authed in order to message this user info: returned when sending a PRIVMSG, NOTICE or INVITE to a user with usermode +R set when you are not registered (+r) and you are not an IRC Operator example: irc.quakenet.org 486 Dana Dana :You must be authed in order to message this user ¶489 numeric: 489 ERR_VOICENEEDED format: <source> 489 <target> <channel> :You're neither voiced nor channel operator info: returned when using the CNOTICE or CPRIVMSG command and you are not opped or voiced on the specified channel example: irc.quakenet.org 489 Dana #channel :You're neither voiced nor channel operator ¶491 numeric: 491 ERR_NOOPERHOST format: <source> 491 <target> :No O-lines for your host info: returned when using OPER and there are no matching O lines for your host with the given ID example: irc.quakenet.org 491 Dana :No O-lines for your host ¶493 numeric: 493 ERR_NOFEATURE format: <source> 493 <target> <feature> :No such feature info: returned when using the GET command and such feature does not exist example: irc.quakenet.org 493 Dana F :No such feature ¶494 numeric: 494 ERR_BADFEATVALUE format: <source> 494 <target> <value> :Bad value for feature <feature> info: returned when using the SET command example: irc.quakenet.org 494 Dana 1 :Bad value for feature NO_OPER_DEOP_LCHAN ¶495 numeric: 495 ERR_BADLOGTYPE format: <source> 495 <target> <log_type> :No such log type info: returned when using the SET command, "SET LOG .." example: irc.quakenet.org 495 Dana cow :No such log type ¶496 numeric: 496 ERR_BADLOGSYS format: <source> 496 <target> <log_system> :No such log subsystem info: returned when using the SET command, "SET LOG .." example: irc.quakenet.org 496 Dana cow :No such log subsystem ¶497 numeric: 497 ERR_BADLOGVALUE format: <source> 497 <target> <log_type> :Bad value for log type info: returned when using the SET command, "SET LOG .." example: irc.quakenet.org 497 Dana cow :Bad value for log type ¶498 numeric: 498 ERR_ISOPERLCHAN format: <source> 498 <target> <nick> <channel> :Cannot kick or deop an IRC Operator on a local channel info: returned when trying to kick or deop an IRC Operator on a local channel (feature NO_OPER_DEOP_LCHAN is TRUE) example: irc.quakenet.org 498 Dana Dana &channel :Cannot kick or deop an IRC Operator on a local channel ¶501 numeric: 501 ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG format: <source> 501 <target> <mode> :Unknown MODE flag info: returned when setting an invalid usermode example: irc.quakenet.org 501 Dana q :Unknown MODE flag ¶502 numeric: 502 ERR_USERSDONTMATCH format: <source> 502 <target> :Cant change mode for other users info: returned when trying to set a usermode for someone else example: irc.quakenet.org 502 Dana :Cant change mode for other users ¶511 numeric: 511 ERR_SILELISTFULL format: <source> 511 <target> <mask> :Your silence list is full info: returned when trying to add an entry to your silence list when it is full example: irc.quakenet.org 511 Dana *!*@evil.host.com :Your silence list is full ¶512 numeric: 512 ERR_NOSUCHGLINE format: <source> 512 <target> <mask> :No such gline info: returned when using the GLINE command example: irc.quakenet.org 512 Dana *!*@evil.host.com :No such gline ¶513 numeric: 513 ERR_BADPING format: <source> 513 <target> :To connect, type /QUOTE PONG <string> format: <source> 513 <target> :Your client may not be compatible with this server. format: <source> 513 <target> :Compatible clients are available at <url> info: returned when using PONG command with no/wrong parameter duration the registration part, <url> is defined by the F line, default: "ftp://ftp.undernet.org/pub/irc/clients" example: irc.quakenet.org 513 Dana :To connect, type /QUOTE PONG 1273843734 ¶514 numeric: 514 ERR_NOSUCHJUPE format: <source> 514 <target> <server> :No such jupe info: returned when using the JUPE command example: irc.quakenet.org 514 Dana hub1.quakenet.org :No such jupe ¶515 numeric: 515 ERR_BADEXPIRE format: <source> 515 <target> <time> :Bad expire time info: returned when setting a G-line or a JUPE with a bad expire time example: irc.quakenet.org 515 Dana 0 :Bad expire time ¶516 numeric: 516 ERR_DONTCHEAT format: <source> 516 <target> :Don't Cheat. info: returned when using as oper the special password "OVERRIDE" to join a local channel when this is not required example: irc.quakenet.org 516 Dana :Don't Cheat. ¶517 numeric: 517 ERR_DISABLED format: <source> 517 <target> <command> :Command disabled. info: returned when using a command which is disabled example: irc.quakenet.org 512 Dana GLINE :Command disabled. ¶518 numeric: 518 ERR_LONGMASK format: <source> 518 <target> :Mask is too long info: returned when using the GLINE command example: irc.quakenet.org 518 Dana :Mask is too long ¶519 numeric: 519 ERR_TOOMANYUSERS format: <source> 519 <target> <count> :Too many users affected by mask info: returned when trying to set a gline which matches more than X users (where X is defined in feature GLINEMAXUSERCOUNT) example: irc.quakenet.org 519 Dana 100 :Too many users affected by mask ¶520 numeric: 520 ERR_MASKTOOWIDE format: <source> 520 <target> <mask> :Mask is too wide info: returned when using the GLINE command example: irc.quakenet.org 520 Dana *!*Dana*@* :Mask is too wide ¶524 numeric: 524 ERR_QUARANTINED format: <source> 524 <target> <channel> :<reason> info: returned when using OPMODE or CLEARMODE on a Q-lined channel example: irc.quakenet.org 524 Dana #channel :They can take care of themselves ¶530 numeric: 530 ERR_BADHOSTMASK format: <source> 530 <target> <mask> :Invalid username/hostmask info: returned when using the SETHOST command example: irc.quakenet.org 530 Dana Dana@=Dana :Invalid username/hostmask ¶531 numeric: 531 ERR_HOSTUNAVAIL format: <source> 531 <target> <mask> :sethost not found info: returned when using the SETHOST command example: irc.quakenet.org 531 Dana cows.go.moo :sethost not found ¶admin ADMIN command: 256 RPL_ADMINME 257 RPL_ADMINLOC1 258 RPL_ADMINLOC2 259 RPL_ADMINEMAIL 402 ERR_NOSUCHSERVER 423 ERR_NOADMININFO 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶away AWAY command: 301 RPL_AWAY 305 RPL_UNAWAY 306 RPL_NOWAWAY ¶check CHECK command: 286 RPL_CHKHEAD 287 RPL_CHANUSER 290 RPL_DATASTR 291 RPL_ENDOFCHECK 408 ERR_SEARCHNOMATCH 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶clearmode CLEARMODE command: 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES 517 ERR_DISABLED 524 ERR_QUARANTINED ¶close CLOSE command: 362 RPL_CLOSING 363 RPL_CLOSEEND 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶cnotice CNOTICE command: 301 RPL_AWAY 401 ERR_NOSUCHNICK 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 441 ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL 442 ERR_NOTONCHANNEL 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 489 ERR_VOICENEEDED ¶connect CONNECT command: 402 ERR_NOSUCHSERVER 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶cprivmsg CPRIVMSG command: 301 RPL_AWAY 401 ERR_NOSUCHNICK 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 441 ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL 442 ERR_NOTONCHANNEL 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 489 ERR_VOICENEEDED ¶get GET command: 284 RPL_FEATURE 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES 493 ERR_NOFEATURE ¶gline GLINE command:247 RPL_STATSGLINE 280 RPL_GLIST 281 RPL_ENDOFGLIST 402 ERR_NOSUCHSERVER 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 465 ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES 512 ERR_NOSUCHGLINE 518 ERR_LONGMASK 515 ERR_BADEXPIRE 517 ERR_DISABLED 519 ERR_TOOMANYUSERS 520 ERR_MASKTOOWIDE ¶info INFO command: 371 RPL_INFO 374 RPL_ENDOFINFO 402 ERR_NOSUCHSERVER 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶invite INVITE command: 301 RPL_AWAY 341 RPL_INVITING 346 RPL_INVITELIST 347 RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST 401 ERR_NOSUCHNICK 442 ERR_NOTONCHANNEL 443 ERR_USERONCHANNEL 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 482 ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED 486 ERR_ACCOUNTONLY ¶ison ISON command: 303 RPL_ISON 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS ¶join JOIN command: 332 RPL_TOPIC 333 RPL_TOPICWHOTIME 353 RPL_NAMREPLY 366 RPL_ENDOFNAMES 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 405 ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 471 ERR_CHANNELISFULL 473 ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN 474 ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN 475 ERR_BADCHANNELKEY 477 ERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK 479 ERR_BADCHANNAME 516 ERR_DONTCHEAT ¶jupe JUPE command: 282 RPL_JUPELIST 283 RPL_ENDOFJUPELIST 402 ERR_NOSUCHSERVER 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES 514 ERR_NOSUCHJUPE 515 ERR_BADEXPIRE 517 ERR_DISABLED ¶kick KICK command: 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 441 ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 482 ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED 484 ERR_ISCHANSERVICE 485 ERR_ISREALSERVICE 498 ERR_ISOPERLCHAN ¶kill KILL command: 401 ERR_NOSUCHNICK 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES 483 ERR_CANTKILLSERVER 484 ERR_ISCHANSERVICE 485 ERR_ISREALSERVICE ¶links LINKS command: 364 RPL_LINKS 365 RPL_ENDOFLINKS ¶list LIST command: 321 RPL_LISTSTART 322 RPL_LIST 323 RPL_LISTEND 334 RPL_LISTUSAGE ¶lusers LUSERS command: 251 RPL_LUSERCLIENT 252 RPL_LUSEROP 253 RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN 254 RPL_LUSERCHANNELS 255 RPL_LUSERME ¶map MAP command: 015 RPL_MAP 016 RPL_MAPMORE 017 RPL_MAPEND ¶mode MODE command: 008 RPL_SNOMASK 221 RPL_UMODEIS 324 RPL_CHANNELMODEIS 329 RPL_CREATIONTIME 367 RPL_BANLIST 368 RPL_ENDOFBANLIST 396 RPL_HOSTHIDDEN 401 ERR_NOSUCHNICK 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 441 ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL 442 ERR_NOTONCHANNEL 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS MODE command: 467 ERR_KEYSET 472 ERR_UNKNOWNMODE 478 ERR_BANLISTFULL 482 ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED 484 ERR_ISCHANSERVICE 485 ERR_ISREALSERVICE 498 ERR_ISOPERLCHAN 501 ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG 502 ERR_USERSDONTMATCH 530 ERR_BADHOSTMASK 531 ERR_HOSTUNAVAIL ¶motd MOTD command: 372 RPL_MOTD 375 RPL_MOTDSTART 376 RPL_ENDOFMOTD 382 RPL_REHASHING 422 ERR_NOMOTD 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶names NAMES command: 353 RPL_NAMREPLY 355 RPL_DELNAMREPLY 366 RPL_ENDOFNAMES 402 ERR_NOSUCHSERVER 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶nick NICK command: 431 ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN 432 ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME 433 ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE 436 ERR_NICKCOLLISION 437 ERR_BANNICKCHANGE 438 ERR_NICKTOOFAST 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS ¶notice NOTICE command: 404 ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN 411 ERR_NORECIPIENT 412 ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND 413 ERR_NOTOPLEVEL 414 ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL 439 ERR_TARGETTOOFAST 486 ERR_ACCOUNTONLY ¶oper OPER command: 381 RPL_YOUREOPER 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 464 ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH 491 ERR_NOOPERHOST ¶opmode OPMODE command: 401 ERR_NOSUCHNICK 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 441 ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES 517 ERR_DISABLED 524 ERR_QUARANTINED ¶part PART command: 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 442 ERR_NOTONCHANNEL 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS ¶ping PING command: 409 ERR_NOORIGIN 402 ERR_NOSUCHSERVER ¶pong PONG command: 409 ERR_NOORIGIN 513 ERR_BADPING ¶privmsg PRIVMSG command: 301 RPL_AWAY 401 ERR_NOSUCHNICK 402 ERR_NOSUCHSERVER 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 404 ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN 411 ERR_NORECIPIENT 412 ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND 413 ERR_NOTOPLEVEL 414 ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL 439 ERR_TARGETTOOFAST 486 ERR_ACCOUNTONLY ¶privs PRIVS command: 270 RPL_PRIVS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶rehash REHASH command: 382 RPL_REHASHING 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶rping RPING command: 402 ERR_NOSUCHSERVER 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶set SET command: 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES 494 ERR_BADFEATVALUE 495 ERR_BADLOGTYPE 496 ERR_BADLOGSYS 497 ERR_BADLOGVALUE ¶sethost SETHOST command: 396 RPL_HOSTHIDDEN 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 517 ERR_DISABLED 530 ERR_BADHOSTMASK 531 ERR_HOSTUNAVAIL ¶silence SILENCE command: 271 RPL_SILELIST 272 RPL_ENDOFSILELIST 401 ERR_NOSUCHNICK 511 ERR_SILELISTFULL ¶stats STATS command: 211 RPL_STATSLINKINFO 212 RPL_STATSCOMMANDS 213 RPL_STATSCLINE 215 RPL_STATSILINE 216 RPL_STATSKLINE 217 RPL_STATSPLINE 218 RPL_STATSYLINE 219 RPL_ENDOFSTATS 228 RPL_STATSQLINE 236 RPL_STATSVERBOSE 237 RPL_STATSENGINE 238 RPL_STATSFLINE STATS command: 241 RPL_STATSLLINE 242 RPL_STATSUPTIME 243 RPL_STATSOLINE 244 RPL_STATSHLINE 246 RPL_STATSTLINE 247 RPL_STATSGLINE 248 RPL_STATSULINE 249 RPL_STATSDEBUG 250 RPL_STATSCONN 275 RPL_STATSDLINE 304 RPL_TEXT 398 RPL_STATSSLINE 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶squit SQUIT command: 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶time TIME command: 391 RPL_TIME ¶topic TOPIC command: 331 RPL_NOTOPIC 332 RPL_TOPIC 333 RPL_TOPICWHOTIME 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 442 ERR_NOTONCHANNEL 482 ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED ¶trace TRACE command: 200 RPL_TRACELINK 201 RPL_TRACECONNECTING 202 RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE 203 RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN 204 RPL_TRACEOPERATOR 205 RPL_TRACEUSER 206 RPL_TRACESERVER 208 RPL_TRACENEWTYPE 209 RPL_TRACECLASS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶uping UPING command: 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶userhost USERHOST command: 302 RPL_USERHOST 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS ¶userip USERIP command: 340 RPL_USERIP 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS ¶version VERSION command: 005 RPL_ISUPPORT 351 RPL_VERSION 402 ERR_NOSUCHSERVER 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶wallchops WALLCHOPS commmand: 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 404 ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN 411 ERR_NORECIPIENT 412 ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND ¶wallops WALLOPS command: 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶wallusers WALLUSERS command: 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ¶wallvoices WALLVOICES command: 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 404 ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN 411 ERR_NORECIPIENT 412 ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND ¶who WHO command: 315 RPL_ENDOFWHO 352 RPL_WHOREPLY 354 RPL_WHOSPCRPL 416 ERR_QUERYTOOLONG ¶whois WHOIS command: 301 RPL_AWAY 311 RPL_WHOISUSER 312 RPL_WHOISSERVER 313 RPL_WHOISOPERATOR 317 RPL_WHOISIDLE 318 RPL_ENDOFWHOIS 319 RPL_WHOISCHANNELS 330 RPL_WHOISACCOUNT 338 RPL_WHOISACTUALLY 401 ERR_NOSUCHNICK 402 ERR_NOSUCHSERVER 416 ERR_QUERYTOOLONG 431 ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN ¶whowas WHOWAS command: 301 RPL_AWAY 312 RPL_WHOISSERVER 314 RPL_WHOWASUSER 369 RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS 406 ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK 431 ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN ¶009 numeric: 009 RPL_STATMEMTOT format: <source> 009 <target> %u %u :Bytes Blocks info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶010 numeric: 010 RPL_STATMEM format: <source> 010 <target> %u %u %s [%u] info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶214 numeric: 214 RPL_STATSNLINE format: <source> 214 <target> N <ip|host> * <server> <port> <class> info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶231 numeric: 231 RPL_SERVICEINFO format: <source> 231 <target> 0 info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶232 numeric: 232 RPL_ENDOFSERVICES format: <source> 232 <target> 0 info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶233 numeric: 233 RPL_SERVICE format: <source> 233 <target> 0 info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶234 numeric: 234 RPL_SERVLIST format: <source> 234 <target> 0 info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶235 numeric: 235 RPL_SERVLISTEND format: <source> 235 <target> 0 info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶261 numeric: 261 RPL_TRACELOG format: <source> 261 <target> File %s %d info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶262 numeric: 262 RPL_TRACEPING format: <source> 262 <target> Ping %s %s info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶285 numeric: 285 RPL_NEWHOSTIS format: <source> 285 <target> %s: %s host %s - [%s@%s] info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶300 numeric: 300 RPL_NONE format: <source> 300 <target> 0 info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶373 numeric: 373 RPL_INFOSTART format: <source> 373 <target> :Server INFO info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶407 numeric: 407 ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS format: <source> 407 <target> <mask> :Duplicate recipients. No message delivered info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶463 numeric: 463 ERR_NOPERMFORHOST format: <source> 463 <target> :Your host isn't among the privileged info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶466 numeric: 466 ERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED format: <source> 466 <target> 0 info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶476 numeric: 476 ERR_BADCHANMASK format: <source> 476 <target> %s :Bad Channel Mask info: nolonger used in ircu+asuka or not used but reserved by rfc2812 ¶error event event: ERROR format: ERROR :Closing Link: <nick> by <source> (<reason>) info: shows you are being disconnected from the server, reason can be excess flood, killed, etc. example: ERROR :closing link: Dana by irc.quakenet.org (excess flood) ¶invite event event: INVITE format: <source> INVITE :<channel> <timestamp> info: shows you are being invited to channel, timestamp is the channel's creation time example: Dana!Dana@Dana.users.quakenet.org INVITE :#channel 1097838164 ¶join event event: JOIN format: <source> JOIN <channel> info: shows a user joining a channel. example: Dana!Dana@Dana.users.quakenet.org JOIN #channel ¶kick event event: KICK format: <source> KICK <channel> <target> :<message> info: shows a user being kicked from a channel example: Dana!Dana@Dana.users.quakenet.org KICK #channel fiDanaot :fish go out! ¶kill event event: KILL format: <source> KILL <your_nick> :<killed_by> (<reason>) info: happens when you get killed example: irc.quakenet.org KILL Dana :*.quakenet.org (spam) ¶mode event event: MODE format: <source> MODE <your_nick|channel> <[+|-]><modes> [<params>] info: shows modes changes example: Dana!Dana@Dana.users.quakenet.org MODE #channel +l 10 example: Dana!Dana@Dana.users.quakenet.org MODE Dana +x ¶nick event event: NICK format: <source> NICK :<new_nick> info: shows a user changing nick example: Dana!Dana@Dana.users.quakenet.org NICK :Dana- ¶notice event event: NOTICE format: <source> NOTICE <target> :[@|+] <message> info: shows when a notice is received, target can be you or a channel you are in, target can also be a $(mask) making it a broadcast example: Q!TheQBot@CServe.quakenet.org NOTICE Dana :Unknown command. Type "/msg Q showcommands" ¶part event event: PART format: <source> PART <channel> [:<message>] info: shows when a user parts a channel example: Dana!Dana@Dana.users.quakenet.org PART #channel ¶ping event event: PING format: <source> PING :<string> info: the server checks if the connection is still alive. if the client fails to respond with PONG with the given string, the client will be disconnected example: irc.quakenet.org PING :1107704864 ¶pong event event: PONG format: <source> PONG :<string> info: shows the result of a PING command example: irc.quakenet.org PONG :ALIVE ¶privmsg event event: PRIVMSG format: <source> PRIVMSG <target> :<message> info: shows when a message is received, target can be you or a channel you are in, target can also be a $(mask) making it a broadcast example: Dana!Dana@Dana.users.quakenet.org PRIVMSG #channel :hi there ¶quit event event: QUIT format: <source> QUIT [:<message>] info: shows when a user quits IRC example: Dana!Dana@Dana.users.quakenet.org QUIT :Signed off ¶rpong event event: RPONG format: <source> RPING <your_nick> <server> <delay_in_ms> :<string> info: shows the result of a RPING command example: irc.quakenet.org RPING Dana hub1.quakenet.org 1 :<No client start time> ¶silence event event: SILENCE format: <source> SILENCE [+|-]<mask> info: shows added/removing a mask from your silence list. example: Dana!Dana@Dana.users.quakenet.org SILENCE +*!*@ ¶topic event event: TOPIC format: <source> TOPIC <channel> :[<topic>] info: shows when the topic is changed example: Dana!Dana@Dana.users.quakenet.org TOPIC #channel :welcome to #channel ¶wallops event event: WALLOPS format: <source> WALLOPS :[*|$] <message> info: shows when a WALLOPS or WALLUSERS message is received. the * shows it is a WALLOPS message, the $ shows it is a WALLUSERS message, none means it is a WALLDESYNCH message. example: Dana!Dana@Dana.users.quakenet.org :$ moooo!