$qauth alias

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Revision as of 17:04, 8 July 2007 by Shenghi (talk | contribs) (Fixed small bug where RAW315 output was not halted when using this alias)

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This is a $qauth identifier for QuakeNet. It uses COM objects and Windows Scripting Shell to perform a 'sleep' action in order to wait for data sent by the server. This sleep alias causes the alias not to be very usefull in events, however, the script also offers a solution for this problem.

; Written by Shenghi
; Contact at irc.quakenet.org -> #help.script
; $qauth identifier. Will only work on QuakeNet. It will 
; first try to extract the Q auth from a users host, if 
; the user has usermode +x set. If it can't, it will then 
; attempt to get the Q auth from $ial(nick).mark. If the Q 
; auth is not set as a mark it will send /who nick n%na to 
; get the Q auth from the server. To prevent having to do this 
; more than once for each user, the Q auth is saved as ialmark 
; when it's received from the server.
; The sleep alias has one annoying side-effect. It prevents the
; identifier from working correctly in events. To go around this you
; can put whatever you were going to do in the event in an alias
; and use /timer 1 0 <alias>.
; A simple example:
; The following script might not work correctly.
; on *:JOIN:#help.script:{ echo -ag $qauth($nick) }
; This will work guaranteed.
; alias echo_auth { echo -ag $qauth($1) }
; on *:JOIN:#help.script:{ timer 1 0 echo_auth $nick }
; Usage: 
;  $qauth(nick) - Returns the qauth of a user or $null if 
;                 the user is not authed. 
;;;;;;;;;; SLEEP ALIAS ;;;;;;;;;; 
;; Syntax: /sleep N 
;; Causes a script to 'sleep' N miliseconds. During this time 
;; server and user raws are processed and events pass. 
alias -l sleep { 
  ;; when called as an identifier or the number of miliseconds 
  ;; to sleep is 0, return 
  if ($isid) || ($0 != 1) || ($1 !isnum) || ($1 < 1) !return 
  ;; otherwise set a unique filename to a var, write the remote script to 
  ;; that file and execute it using COM objects. 
  !var %f = $ticks $+ .wsf 
  !write %f <job id="js"><script language="jscript">WScript.Sleep( $+ $1 $+ );</script></job> 
  !.comopen %f WScript.Shell 
  if (!$comerr) .comclose %f $com(%f,Run,3,bstr,%f,uint,0,bool,true) 
  !.remove %f 
;;;;;;;;;; QAUTH ALIAS ;;;;;;;;;; 
;; Syntax: $qauth(nick) 
;; Returns the qauth of a user or $null if the user is not authed -- QuakeNet only 
alias qauth { 
  ;; check if used as identifier and if the network used on is quakenet 
  if (!$isid) || (*.??.quakenet.org !iswm $server) !return 
  ;; check if the Q auth could be extracted from the host 
  if ($ial($1).host) if ($regex($ial($1).host,(.+?)\.users\.quakenet\.org)) !return $regml(1) 
  ;; check if the Q auth could be extracted from the ialmark 
  if ($ial($1).mark) !return $v1 
  ;; set a global var and send out a who to get the users Q auth 
  ;; the while loop waits for the server response 
  !set %getQauth [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $crlf 
  !.who $1 n%nat,101 
  !var %i = 10 
  while (%i) && (%getQauth [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $crlf) {  
    sleep 10  
    !dec %i 
  ;; set local return var so the global var can be removed 
  !var %return = $iif(%getQauth [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $crlf,$null,$v1) 
  !unset %getQauth [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 
  ;; add q auth to IAL mark 
  if (%return) !.ialmark $1 $v1 
  !return %return   
;;;;;;;;;; RAW 354 - SPECIAL WHO REPLY ;;;;;;;;;; 
raw 354:& 101 & *:{ 
  if (%getQauth [ $+ [ $3 ] ]) { 
    !set %getQauth [ $+ [ $3 ] ] $iif($4,$v1,-) 
;;;;;;;;;; RAW 315 - END OF /WHO LIST ;;;;;;;;;; 
raw 315:*:{ 
  ;; see whether a Q auth was requested and if so, halt the default output 
  if (%getQauth [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) !haltdef 