On input
From Scriptwiki
The on INPUT event triggers when you enter text in an editbox and press enter.
on <level>:INPUT:<*#?=!@>:<commands>
Read Limiting Access to get more information about the prefixes and suffixes (*#?=!@).
Note that this event has no matchtext-field. You have to use if-statements to make more restrictions.
The following example will connumerate your written characters and words.
; Whenever you say something, this even will trigger. on *:INPUT:*: { ; set variable %allchars to the total amount of characters you have written. set %allchars $calc(%allchars + $len($1-)) ; set variable %allwords to the total amounts of words you have written. set %allwords $calc(%allwords + $numtok($1-,32)) }
The next, more complex, example will replace all "moo"'s with "moo00oo00" in your text.
on *:INPUT:*: { ;nothing will change if you press control + enter or the first character is the command prefix ;character you have specified in your mIRC options (usually "/"). if (($ctrlenter) || ($left($1,1) == $readini(mirc.ini,text,commandchar))) { return } else { ; send the "new" text to the channel (but hidden) .msg $active $replace($1-,moo,moo00oo00) ; echo the "new" text in your current window (as it's the window you have just typed it) echo -t $active < $+ $me $+ > $replace($1-,moo,moo00oo00) ; stop the usual output haltdef } }
See Also
To trigger on text from other users, you have to use the On Text Event.