Custom Amsg and Ame Alias

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With these custom amsg and ame aliases, you are able to exclude certain channels from your amsg and ame commands, since many people conceive them as annoying.

You will have to paste this script into the 'Aliases' section of mIRC's script editor.

nochannels {
;add channels where you don't want your /ame and /amsg to go to.
 return #help.script,#feds,#help,#other_channels 
amsg { 
 var %a = 1, %t 
 while (%a <= $chan(0)) {
  if (!$istok($nochannels,$chan(%a),44)) { 
   var %t = %t $+ $chr(44) $+ $chan(%a) 
   echo $color(own text) -t $chan(%a) < $+ $nick($chan(%a),$me).pnick $+ > $1- 
  inc %a 
 .raw PRIVMSG $right(%t,-1) $+(:,$chr(32),$1-) 
ame { 
 var %a = 1, %t 
 while (%a <= $chan(0)) {
  if (!$istok($nochannels,$chan(%a),44)) {
   var %t = %t $+ $chr(44) $+ $chan(%a) 
   echo $color(action text) -t $chan(%a) * $nick($chan(%a),$me).pnick $1- 
  inc %a
 .raw PRIVMSG $right(%t,-1) $+(:,$chr(1),ACTION,$chr(32),$1-,$chr(1)) 
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