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  ; A QuakeNet pm blocker based on Q auth
  ; A QuakeNet pm blocker based on Q auth
  ; Usage:
  ; Usage:
  ;  /dnd [on|off|allow|block|remove]
  ;  /dnd [on|off|allow|block|remove] [Q auth]
  ;    if no argument is passed a configuration dialog will pop up
  ;    if no argument is passed a configuration dialog will pop up
  ;    this is coming in a later version
  ;    this is coming in a later version
Line 20: Line 20:
  ;    on|off turns pm blocking on or off
  ;    on|off turns pm blocking on or off
  ;    allow|block allows or blocks a Q auth
  ;    allow|block allows or blocks a Q auth -- requires a Q auth to be specified
  ;    remove removes a Q auth
  ;    remove removes a Q auth -- requires a Q auth to be specified
  ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  ; Version history:
  ; Version history:

Revision as of 18:15, 23 April 2006

Do not Disturb is a QuakeNet pm blocker based on Q account. It will not work on other networks!

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Do not Disturb
; Written by Shenghi
; Contact at:
; #help.script @ irc.quakenet.org
; dnd.mrc
; dnd.dnd
; dnd.ini
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; A QuakeNet pm blocker based on Q auth
; Usage:
;  /dnd [on|off|allow|block|remove] [Q auth]
;    if no argument is passed a configuration dialog will pop up
;    this is coming in a later version
;    on|off turns pm blocking on or off
;    allow|block allows or blocks a Q auth -- requires a Q auth to be specified
;    remove removes a Q auth -- requires a Q auth to be specified
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Version history:
;  v1.00
;   First working version
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NOTE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Do not Disturb logs some things to a window called   ;
; @AllMessages. This window is hidden. If you want to  ;
; view it by pressing F11, uncomment the following     ;
; code.                                                ;
;alias F11 {
;  if ($window(@AllScripts).state == maximized) { window -n @AllScripts }
;  elseif ($window(@AllScripts).state == hidden) { window -x @AllScripts }
;  elseif ($window(@AllScripts).state == normal) { window -x @AllScripts }

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EVENTS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; on LOAD ;
on *:load:{
  linesep -s

  ;; writing the default ini
  if ($isfile(dnd.ini)) {
    echo -s Settings file (dnd.ini) already exists. Unloading script...
    unload -rs $script
    linesep -s

  ;; cc is short for control code
  writeini -n dnd.ini options cc block
  writeini -n dnd.ini options showcc false
  writeini -n dnd.ini options showblocked false
  writeini -n dnd.ini options showaccepted true
  writeini -n dnd.ini options showunknown true
  writeini -n dnd.ini options blockunknown false
  writeini -n dnd.ini options echoactive true
  writeini -n dnd.ini options nickcolor 1

  echo -s Loaded Do not Disturb
  linesep -s

; on START ;
on *:start:{
  ; free and create hDnd hashtable
  if ($hget(hDnd)) hfree hDnd
  hmake hDnd 

  ; if dnd.dnd file exists, load allow/block hashtables
  if ($isfile(dnd.dnd)) hload -b hDnd dnd.dnd

; on OPEN ;
on ^*:OPEN:?:{
  ;; check if it happens on QNet
  if (*.??.quakenet.org !iswm $server) || (%dnd == off) return 

  ;; notice the user that his query is pending
  .notice $nick Query pending...

  ;; halt the default opening of the window

  ;; check for control codes -- this should block most porn spam
  if ($strip($1-) != $1-) && ($readini(dnd.ini,options,cc) == block) {
    dnd_echo Blocked query from $nick ( $+ $fulladdress $+ ) containing control codes $+ $iif($readini(dnd.ini,options,showcc) == true,: $1-,.)
    .notice $nick Query denied, message blocked.

  ;; now it's time to check regular messages
  ;; first, the easy part -- check if the user has usermode +x and if so
  ;; use it to extract the Q auth
  if ($right($site,19) == .users.quakenet.org) { 

    ;; $gettok($site,1,46) holds the users Q auth
    ;; if the user is allowed to message, notice the query is accepted and let the query window open
    if ($hget(hDnd,$gettok($site,1,46)) == allow) {
      dnd_echo Accepted query from $nick ( $+ $fulladdress $+ ) $+ $iif($readini(dnd.ini,options,showaccepted) == true,: $1-,.)
      if ($readini(dnd.ini,options,echoactive) == true) && (!$away) echo -ta �[ DND ]� Accepted query from $nick ( $+ $fulladdress $+ )
      query -n $nick
      echo $nick $timestamp < $+ � $+ $readini(dnd.ini,options,nickcolor) $+ $nick $+ � $+ > $1-
      window -g[1] $nick
      .notice $nick Query accepted.
    elseif ($hget(hDnd,$gettok($site,1,46)) == block) {
      dnd_echo Blocked query from $nick ( $+ $fulladdress $+ )  $+ $iif($readini(dnd.ini,options,showblocked) == true,: $1-,.)
      if ($readini(dnd.ini,options,echoactive) == true) && (!$away) echo -ta �[ DND ]� Blocked query from $nick ( $+ $fulladdress $+ )
      .notice $nick Query denied, message blocked.

    ;; if a user is unknown we let faith (read: options) decide whether to accept or decline
    else {
      if ($readini(dnd.ini,options,blockunknown) == true) {
        dnd_echo Denied query from $nick ( $+ $fulladdress $+ )  $+ $iif($readini(dnd.ini,options,showunknown) == true,: $1-,.)
        if ($readini(dnd.ini,options,echoactive) == true) && (!$away) echo -ta �[ DND ]� Denied query from $nick ( $+ $fulladdress $+ )
        .notice $nick Query denied.
      else {
        dnd_echo Accepted query from $nick ( $+ $fulladdress $+ )  $+ $iif($readini(dnd.ini,options,showaccepted) == true,: $1-,.)
        if ($readini(dnd.ini,options,echoactive) == true) && (!$away) echo -ta �[ DND ]� Accepted query from $nick ( $+ $fulladdress $+ )
        query -n $nick
        echo $nick $timestamp < $+ � $+ $readini(dnd.ini,options,nickcolor) $+ $nick $+ � $+ > $1-
        window -g[1] $nick
        .notice $nick Query accepted.

    ;; closing if ($right($site,19) == .users.quakenet.org)

  ;; if the user wasn't using usermode +x we store the message and send a who to the server
  ;; the query window remains closed so far, we can always open it later if the user is allowed to pm
  else {
    set %dndQueryAuth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
    set %dndQueryMessage [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $1-
    set %dndQueryFulladdress [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $fulladdress
    who $nick n%nat,990


; RAW 354 ;

;; RAW 354 is the servers answer to the who request
;; reference 990 is used to make sure it came from the on OPEN event
;; if the user is authed with Q %dndQueryAuth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] is set to the auth, if he is not it remains 1
raw 354:& 990 & *: { 
  set %dndQueryAuth [ $+ [ $3 ] ] $iif($4,$v1,1)

; RAW 315 ;

;; unfortunately, raw 315 (End of /WHO list) does not have this reference
raw 315:*:{
  if (%dndQueryAuth [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) {

    ;; if the user was authed
    if ($v1 != 1) {

      ;; run the same check as in the on OPEN event
      if ($hget(hDnd,%dndQueryAuth [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) == allow) {
        dnd_echo Accepted query from $2 ( $+ %dndQueryFulladdress [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ ) $+ $iif($readini(dnd.ini,options,showaccepted) == true,: $1-,.)
        if ($readini(dnd.ini,options,echoactive) == true) && (!$away) echo -ta �[ DND ]� Accepted query from $2 ( $+ %dndQueryFulladdress [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ )
        query -n $2
        echo $2 $timestamp < $+ � $+ $readini(dnd.ini,options,nickcolor) $+ $2 $+ � $+ > %dndQueryMessage [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
        window -g[1] $2
        .notice $2 Query accepted.
      elseif ($hget(hDnd,%dndQueryAuth [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) == block) {
        dnd_echo Blocked query from $2 ( $+ %dndQueryFulladdress [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ )  $+ $iif($readini(dnd.ini,options,showblocked) == true,: $1-,.)
        if ($readini(dnd.ini,options,echoactive) == true) && (!$away) echo -ta �[ DND ]� Blocked query from $2 ( $+ %dndQueryFulladdress [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ )
        .notice $2 Query denied, message blocked.

      ;; if a user is unknown we let faith (read: options) decide whether to accept or decline
      else {
        if ($readini(dnd.ini,options,blockunknown) == true) {
          dnd_echo Denied query from $2 ( $+ %dndQueryFulladdress [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ )  $+ $iif($readini(dnd.ini,options,showunknown) == true,: $1-,.)
          if ($readini(dnd.ini,options,echoactive) == true) && (!$away) echo -ta �[ DND ]� Denied query from $2 ( $+ %dndQueryFulladdress [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ )
          .notice $2 Query denied.
        else {
          dnd_echo Accepted query from $2 ( $+ %dndQueryFulladdress [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ )  $+ $iif($readini(dnd.ini,options,showaccepted) == true,: $1-,.)
          if ($readini(dnd.ini,options,echoactive) == true) && (!$away) echo -ta �[ DND ]� Accepted query from $2 ( $+ %dndQueryFulladdress [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ )
          query -n $2
          echo $2 $timestamp < $+ � $+ $readini(dnd.ini,options,nickcolor) $+ $2 $+ � $+ > %dndQueryMessage [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
          window -g[1] $2
          .notice $2 Query accepted.

    ;; if the user was not authed
    else {
      if ($readini(dnd.ini,options,blockunknown) == true) {
        dnd_echo Denied query from $2 ( $+ %dndQueryFulladdress [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ )  $+ $iif($readini(dnd.ini,options,showunknown) == true,: $1-,.)
        if ($readini(dnd.ini,options,echoactive) == true) && (!$away) echo -ta �[ DND ]� Denied query from $2 ( $+ %dndQueryFulladdress [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ )
        .notice $2 Query denied.
      else {
        dnd_echo Accepted query from $2 ( $+ %dndQueryFulladdress [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ )  $+ $iif($readini(dnd.ini,options,showaccepted) == true,: $1-,.)
        if ($readini(dnd.ini,options,echoactive) == true) && (!$away) echo -ta �[ DND ]� Accepted query from $2 ( $+ %dndQueryFulladdress [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ )
        query -n $2
        echo $2 $timestamp < $+ � $+ $readini(dnd.ini,options,nickcolor) $+ $2 $+ � $+ > %dndQueryMessage [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
        window -g[1] $2
        .notice $2 Query accepted.
    unset %dndQueryAuth [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
    unset %dndQueryMessage [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
    unset %dndQueryFulladdress [ $+ [ $2 ] ]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PUBLIC ALIASES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; DND ;
alias dnd {
  ;; syntax check
  ;; turn dnd on/off
  if ($regex($1-,/^(on|off)$/)) {
    set %dnd $regml(1)
    echo - $+ $iif($readini(dnd.ini,options,echoactive) == true,ta,s) �[ DND ]� Do Not Disturb turned $iif($regml(1) == on,on,off)
  ;; allow/block a user
  elseif ($regex($1-,/^(allow|block)\s(\w+)$/)) {
    hadd hDnd $regml(2) $regml(1)
    hsave -b hDnd dnd.dnd
    echo - $+ $iif($readini(dnd.ini,options,echoactive) == true,ta,s) �[ DND ]�  $iif($regml(1) == allow,Allowing,Blocking) queries from Q auth $regml(2)
  ;; remove a user
  elseif ($regex($1-,/^remove\s(\w+)$/)) {
    hdel hDnd $regml(1)
    hsave -b hDnd dnd.dnd
    echo - $+ $iif($readini(dnd.ini,options,echoactive) == true,ta,s) �[ DND ]� Removed Q auth $regml(1)
  ;; dialog
  elseif (!$0) { }
  ;; else the syntax is wrong -- output an error
  else echo -s * /dnd - Error: erronious syntax.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PRIVATE ALIASES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; dnd_echo ;
alias -l dnd_echo {
  if (!$window(@AllScripts)) { window -hk0nx @AllScripts }
  echo @Allscripts � $+ $color(normal text) $+ $timestamp � $+ $color(info2 text) $+ $chr(91) DND $chr(93) � $+ $color(normal text) $+ $1-

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MENU ITEMS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
menu channel,status {
  DnD $iif(%dnd == on,off,on):dnd $iif(%dnd == on,off,on)