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Writes text or the specified binary variable to the file.

/fwrite [-bn] <name> <text | &binvar>

Explanation of the switches:

Switch Meaning
b indicates that a &binvar is being specified
n appends a $crlf to the line being written.

Note that it will append the text to the file. To overwrite / insert, you have to look at /fseek before.

Note that the file has to be opened (/fopen) before.


/fwrite moo moo!

This will just add moo! to the end of the file assigned to the name moo.

/fwrite -n moo moo!

This will add moo! and a $crlf to the end of the file assigned to the name moo.

/fwrite -b moo &moo

This will add the content of the Binary Variable &moo to the end of the file assigned to the name moo.