Joining channels after hiding your address

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Revision as of 13:44, 20 April 2012 by NaNg (talk | contribs) (by bindi)

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; Joining channels after hiding your address
; by bindi @ QuakeNet
; Date: 08-04-2012
; Tested on mIRC 7.22

on *:START:{
  ;; when mirc starts, connect to QuakeNet
  ;; (change the server if you prefer another server geographically closer
  ;; to you or something like that, see
  server -i <nick> <alternate nick> <ident> <real name (doesn't have to be real, either :D)>
  ;; change the above to match your information.
on *:CONNECT:{
  ;; this triggers when you've connected to a server
  if ($network == QuakeNet) && (*.?? iswm $server) {
    ;; check if we have connected to QuakeNet
    !.raw -q AUTH <auth> <password>
    ;; if so, let's auth
    !mode $me +x
    ;; and add +x to our usermode
raw 396:*:{
  ;; this triggers when your host is hidden
  if ($network == QuakeNet) && (*.?? iswm $server) {
    ;; check if it's QuakeNet (just to be sure)
    join #channel1,#channel2,#channel3 key1,,key3
    ;;change above to your channels and keys (if any).

See also