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2017 Wiki overhaul

Cail (talk) 20:53, 12 May 2017 (CEST)

We have moved to a new home and updated the platform and the look of the wiki.
Also mIRC has gotten some updates recently, as always, check to find out more.

Wiki overhaul

Albie 22:49, 10 February 2011 (CET)

The wiki has recently gone a huge overhaul is respect its codebase has been updated from MediaWiki version 1.4 to 1.16. Hopefully most of the kinks have been worked out and everything is running smoothly :)

Wiki moved

Microbe 12:02, 2 Jul 2007 (CEST)

This Scriptwiki was moved to its new permanent home some time ago. The address is now easier to remember and it contains a hint of the wiki's origins.

mIRC 6.21 is out

Microbe 23:03, 23 Nov 2006 (CET)

mIRC version 6.21 was just released. Read more about it and download it at

mIRC 6.2 is out

Cail 14:48, 27 Aug 2006 (CET)

mIRC 6.2 was released July 28th 2006, get it at Take a look at the list of changes aswell.

Changes to Scriptwiki

Microbe 00:39, 5 May 2006 (CEST)

Scriptwiki has gone through some changes, again. It has been made an official QuakeNet wiki and recruiting new editors has been made easier - the process should now be far faster and more user-friendly. So if you're interested in contributing to this wiki, have a look at the front page's instructions.

mIRC 6.17 is out

Microbe 00:31, 18 Feb 2006 (CET)

mIRC version 6.17 has been released an hour ago. Read more about it and download it at

Scriptwiki has been globalized

Microbe 04:03, 4 Feb 2006 (CET)

Scriptwiki has gone through some changes. The project started as a small one-channel project, but it is now released "to the wild". People interested to contribute to this wiki are encouraged to contact us, especially from other networks than QuakeNet. At the moment this wiki is dedicated more towards QuakeNet users, but we are hoping that this will change in the future. Users from every network should be able to get the information they need from here, especially network-specific raw events.

So if you want to contribute to the only wiki dedicated to mIRC scripting (at least at the moment), see the main page for more information.

Welcome to Scriptwiki

Tovrleaf 22:53, 15 Sep 2005 (CEST)

Hi, and welcome to our new published Scriptwiki. Scriptwiki (as we call it) is our new lifelong project which won't probably ever be finished. It shall be developed and expanded along with mIRC and new scripting skills.

Special thanks to all users who have helped us to get this to shape and to create a more user friendly wiki and articles.

If you think this wiki is missing some essential articles, there's a page to request new articles for it. And don't forget to give us feedback, comments, ideas or new suggestions.

Scriptwiki starting

Microbe 12:53, 24 Aug 2005 (CEST)

Scriptwiki starting to get in shape