Loads a table from a file.
/hload -sbni <name> <filename> [section]
These loads plain text from a text file, with item and data on separate lines.
Using the -s switch makes the command display the result (e.g. * Loaded hash table 'users' from 'users.dat')
The -b switch loads binary files.
You can use -n to load files as data only, with no items. When loading with -n each line of data is assigned an N item value, starting at N = 1.
The -i switch treats the file as an ini file. You can specify an optional section name after the filename.
Note that /hload does not create the table, it must already have been created by /hmake.
hload users users.dat
This simple example just loads users.dat into a hashtable called users.
hload -si users users.ini myusers
That one loads the section myusers of the ini called users.ini to hashtable users and displays the result.