On hotlink
Hotlink events are used to catch when a user hovers over a word, right clicks a word, or double clicks a word, in a normal window situation. Note: This does not work in dialogs
on ^<level>:HOTLINK:<matchtext>:<*#?=!@>:<commands>
This form of the event, using the ^ event prefix, triggers when a user hovers over a word with his mouse, or when he right clicks on a word with his mouse. If $mouse.key indicates that the right mouse button was clicked (if ($mouse.key & 16) { }) then this word was right clicked, otherwise it was simply hovered over by the mouse.
Note: You can use the halt command to stop the hand from appearing automatically
on <level>:HOTLINK:<matchtext>:<*#?=!@>:<commands>
This form of the event, without the ^ event prefix, triggers when a line is double clicked.
Use $hotline to get the line which triggered either event. Use $hotlinepos to get the word number, and line number, which triggered either event.