$chan (window)

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Using the $chan identifier you can get information about the channel(s) you're using.


You can use a channel or a number for the first parameter. When you specify a channel, mIRC will return information about that particular channel, otherwise it returns information about the Nth channel. $chan returns the number of channels if N is 0 (zero).

When used without any parameters, $chan returns the channel where the current event (e.g. an on TEXT or on JOIN event) occured.

Note that if you get kicked from a channel and have the option 'leave channels open' enabled in the mIRC option dialog, $chan() will still contain that channel. If you want to get info about channels, you are really in, you'd have to use $comchan($me,0).

The following properties are available for $chan:

Property Description
topic the channel topic
mode the channel modes
key the channel key (if channel mode +k is set)
limit the channel limit (if channel mode +l is set)
ial $true when mIRC knows the addresses of all users on that channel, $inwho if mIRC is updating its address list, $false otherwise
logfile the logfile's path and filename for the channel
stamp $true when timestamps are enabled, $false if not
ibl $true if mIRC knows the banlist for this channel, $inmode if it's currently updating its banlist, $false if it doesn't
status your status on that channel (e.g. joined or kicked)
inwho $true when mIRC is currently processing a /who request for that channel
wid the window ID for this channel
hwnd the window handle for this channel, can be used in DLLs


$chan(#help.script)  ;returns #help.script if you're on that channel, $null otherwise
$chan(#help.script).topic  ;returns the topic, which is currently set for #help.script