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Returns member value for the Nth instantiation of the enumerated collection in name.


Dispatch and Unknown

The two variable types dispatch and unknown allow you to pass dispatch/unknown pointers as parameters in a $com() call, or retrieve dispatch/unknown pointers from a $com() call, by reference.

To pass a dispatch/unknown pointer as a parameter in $com(), specify the variable type as dispatch/unknown, and specify the name of an existing $com() connection as the value.

To retrieve a dispatch/unknown pointer through a call to $com(), specify a dispatch* item, with a variable name, as the last parameter in a $com() call, without assigning it a value. When $com() returns, mIRC will create a new $com() item with that variable name and assign it the dispatch or unknown pointer. See example script #2 below.

Note: In the case of retrieving an unknown pointer, mIRC will extend it to a dispatch pointer if it can, allowing you to call it directly via $com().

You can use $com().dispatch or $com().unknown to see if a pointer exists for that $com() item.


The following script is a simple example that connects to excel and then retrieves and sets the visible property.

alias excel {
 comopen excel Excel.Application
 if ($comerr) {
   echo comopen failed
 ; check if excel window is visible
 if ($com(excel,Visible,3) == 0) {
   echo $com failed
   goto finish
 echo Visible: $com(excel).result
 ; make excel window visible
 if ($com(excel,Visible,5,i4,1) == 0) {
   echo $com failed
   goto finish
 ; check visibility again
 if ($com(excel,Visible,3) == 0) {
   echo $com failed
   goto finish

 echo Visible: $com(excel).result

 comclose excel

The following script retrieves information about your CPU. It displays debugging information so you can see whether a call succeeded or not, the value it returned, and whether a new COM object was created.

alias cpu {

  comopen Locator WbemScripting.SWbemLocator

  if ($comerr) { echo comopen failed | halt }
  echo com: $com(Locator, ConnectServer, 3, dispatch* Services)
  echo result: $com(Locator).result
  echo com(0): $com(0)
  if ($com(Services)) {
    echo com: $com(Services, Get, 3, string, Win32_Processor.DeviceID='CPU0', dispatch* More)
    echo result: $com(Services).result
    echo com(0): $com(0)

    if ($com(More)) {
      echo com: $com(More, Name, 3)
      echo result: $com(More).result
      echo com: $com(More, Caption, 3)
      echo result: $com(More).result
      echo com: $com(More, Manufacturer, 3)
      echo result: $com(More).result

      comclose More
    comclose Services
  comclose Locator

The following script retrieves information about your hard drives. It does so by retrieving all drive instances in an enumerated collection and then accessing member values for each instance using the $comval() identifier.

alias drives {
  comopen Locator WbemScripting.SWbemLocator

  if ($comerr) { echo comopen failed | halt }
  echo Com: $com(Locator,ConnectServer,3, dispatch* Services)
  echo Result: $com(Locator).result
  comclose Locator

  if $com(Services) {
    echo com: $com(Services, InstancesOf,3,string,Win32_LogicalDisk,dispatch* Instances)
    echo result: $com(Services).result

    comclose Services

  if $com(Instances) {
    echo com: $com(Instances,Count,3)
    var %n = $com(Instances).result
    echo result: %n
    var %m = 1
    while (%m <= %n) {
      echo 4 disk: %m
      echo 3 Com: $comval(Instances, %m, Name)
      echo 3 Com: $comval(Instances, %m, FileSystem)
      echo 3 Com: $comval(Instances, %m, FreeSpace)
      echo 3 Com: $comval(Instances, %m, Description)
      inc %m
    comclose instances

See Also

  • COM Objects For /comopen /comclose /comlist /comreg $comerr