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Revision as of 13:43, 11 April 2007 by Cail (talk | contribs) (added /aline page, gonna link /*line commands to this same page)

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The following commands allow you to manipulate the lines in a custom window.

/aline [c] <@name> <text>     add line to list
/cline [c] <@name> <N>        changes the color of the Nth line to color C
/dline [c] <@name> <N[-N2]>   delete Nth line through N2th line
/iline [c] <@name> <N> <text> insert line at Nth line
/rline [c] <@name> <N> <text> replace Nth line
/sline [c] <@name> <N>        select Nth line

The c parameter specifies a color number for the line.


-s switch selects the line that was just added and clears the current selections.
-a switch selects a line without clearing the current selections.
-h switch highlights the window's button if it's currently minimized.
-p switch forces the line of text to be wrapped if it's too long to fit on one line.
-r switch is used with /cline to reset a nickname color in a channel listbox to the default color.
-i switch is used with /aline and /iline to indent a newly added line.
-n switch is used with /aline and /iline to prevent a line from being added if it exists.
-m switch is used with /cline when coloring nicknames in a channel nicklist, and makes mIRC also color the nick in channel messages.
-l switch makes the command apply to a side-listbox of a window