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  ; Small tool that checks closing and opening brackets  
  ; Small tool that checks closing and opening brackets  
  ; in a single line or a file.  
  ; in a single line or a file.  
; Note: With brackets we (I) mean the ( and ) characters.
  ; Usage: /bcheck [-f] <text|file>  
  ; Usage: /bcheck [-f] <text|file>  

Latest revision as of 00:30, 2 February 2008

This script contains a tool for checking the number of opening and closing brackets in a scriptfile or line against each other. It is not flawless and there can be cases where it flags an error when there is none. For example when using a smiley in a /msg. This works the other way around, too. When you missed a bracket but, for example, a smiley in a /msg makes up for that missing bracket, this tool will not flag an error.

; Bracket checking tool 
; Written by Shenghi 
; Contact in #help.script @ irc.quakenet.org 
; Small tool that checks closing and opening brackets 
; in a single line or a file. 
; Note: With brackets we (I) mean the ( and ) characters.
; Usage: /bcheck [-f] <text|file> 

alias bcheck { 
  if ($0 == 2) && ($1 == -f) { 
    if (!$isfile($2)) echo -ag mdt: No such file. 
    else { 
      echo -ag Debugging file: $2 
      var %ticks = $ticks 
      var %pos = 0 
      var %l = 1 
      var %fs = $file($2).size 
      while (%pos < %fs) { 
        bread -t $2 %pos %fs &n 
        if (!$iscomment(&n)) { 
          if ($obrack(&n) != $cbrack(&n)) echo -ag bcheck: Error on line %l $+ : number of opening brackets = $v1 -=- number of closing brackets = $v2 $+ . 
        inc %l 
        var %pos = $calc(%pos + $bvar(&n,0) + 2) 
      echo -ag End of debug. $calc(%l - 1) lines debugged in $calc($ticks - %ticks) ms. 
  elseif ($1 != -f) { 
    if ($count($1-,$chr(40)) != $count($1-,$chr(41))) echo -ag bcheck: Error: number of opening brackets = $v1 -=- number of closing brackets = $v2 $+ . 
    else echo -ag bcheck: No errors found. 
  else echo -ag bcheck: Error. Erronious syntax. 
alias -l iscomment { 
  if ($bfind($1,1,59)) { 
    var %bd_semicolon = $v1 
    var %i = $calc(%bd_semicolon - 1) 
    while %i { 
      if ($bvar($1,%i) != 32) return $null 
      else dec %i 
    return 1 
alias -l obrack { 
  if ($bvar($1,0) < 900) return $count($bvar($1,1,$v1).text,$chr(40)) 
  var %num = 0 
  var %bpos = 1 
  while ($bvar($1,%bpos)) { 
    if ($bfind($1,%bpos,40)) { 
      inc %num 
      var %bpos = $calc($v1 + 1) 
    else var %bpos = $calc($bvar($1,0) + 1) 
  return %num 
alias -l cbrack { 
  if ($bvar($1,0) < 900) return $count($bvar($1,1,$v1).text,$chr(41)) 
  var %num = 0 
  var %bpos = 1 
  while ($bvar($1,%bpos)) { 
    if ($bfind($1,%bpos,41)) { 
      inc %num 
      var %bpos = $calc($v1 + 1) 
    else var %bpos = $calc($bvar($1,0) + 1) 
  return %num 