Chess game

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Revision as of 20:48, 7 April 2007 by Cail (talk | contribs)

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Screenshot of the gameplay


; Chess game with picture windows by Cail at Quakenet -> #help.script
; Includes singleplayer and multiplayer.
; In singleplayer mode you move black's and white's in turns.
; Multiplayer was the main idea, and the game uses sockets to start a server and to connect to a server
; Get the pieces at: (images originally from mediawiki, by Wapcaplet)
; After you've put the images of pieces into /mircdir/chess directory, start the game by typing /chess and choose your mode 
; Also support saving and loading the game state, for singleplayer and multiplayer.
;  - function to check if a square is attacked
;  - castling-move for king and rook
;  - comments for the code

alias chess {
  if ($hget(chess.board)) { hfree chess.board } | hmake chess.board 64
  if ($hget(  { hfree } | hmake 64

  window -dfpw0C +nft @chess 0 0 840 860 
  drawrect -rf @chess 3684408 0 0 0 840 860

  drawrect -r @chess 65280 1 60 350 300 50
  drawrect -r @chess 65280 1 60 410 300 50
  drawrect -r @chess 65280 1 60 470 300 50

  drawtext -ro @chess 16749691 verdana 22 70 360 single player
  drawtext -ro @chess 16749691 verdana 22 70 420 connect to a server
  drawtext -ro @chess 16749691 verdana 22 70 480 start a server

menu @chess {
  sclick: chess_click
  $iif($hget(,init),load):chess_load $dialog(load_table,load_table)

dialog load_table {
  title "Chess"
  size -1 -1 422 220
  option pixels

  text "Select a saved game.", 1, 7 5 417 20,result
  list 2, 5 25 410 200, sort
  button "", 3, -20 -20 1 1, ok

on 1:dialog:load_table:init:*:{
  noop $findfile(chess,*board*.save,0,parse_save $1-)

alias -l parse_save {
  noop $regex($1-,/\\([^\\]+)_board_(.+)\.save/g) 
  did -a $dname 2 $regml(1) - $regml(2)

on 1:dialog:load_table:dclick:2:{
  did -ra $dname 1 $did($dname,2).seltext 
  dialog -k $dname

alias -l chess_load {
  hdel -w chess.board *
  hdel -w *
  hload chess.board $+(chess\,$1,_board_,$3,.save)
  hload $+(chess\,$1,_info_,$3,.save)

  var %y = 1
  while (%y <= 8) {
    var %x = 1
    while (%x <= 8) {
      var %dx = $get_square(%x)
      var %dy = $get_square(%y)
      drawrect -rf @chess $get_color(%x,%y) 0 %dx %dy 100 100
      if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%y,%x))) { draw_piece %dx %dy $v1 $get_color(%x,%y) }
      inc %x
    inc %y

  if ($hget(,mode) == mp) {
    chess_send load $1 $3
    if ($hget(,own_turn)) { print_info light_blue Game loaded succesfully, your turn. }
    else { print_info light_blue Game loaded succesfully, $hget(,opponent) $+ 's turn. }

alias -l chess_save {
  hsave chess.board $+(chess/,$asctime(yyyy-mm-dd),_board_,$iif($hget(,mode) == sp,sp,$hget(,opponent)),.save)
  hsave $+(chess/,$asctime(yyyy-mm-dd),_info_,$iif($hget(,mode) == sp,sp,$hget(,opponent)),.save)

alias -l chess_initiate {
  hadd clr_select red

  var %y = 1
  while (%y <= 8) {
    var %x = 1
    while (%x <= 8) {
      var %dx = $get_square(%x)
      var %dy = $get_square(%y)
      drawrect -rf @chess $get_color(%x,%y) 0 %dx %dy 100 100
      if ($get_piece(%y,%x)) { hadd chess.board $+(%y,%x) $v1 | draw_piece %dx %dy $v1 $get_color(%x,%y) }
      inc %x
    inc %y

alias -l chess_click {
  if (!$inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,20,20,800,800)) { return }
  elseif (!$hget(,init)) { 

    ; SELECT: single player
    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,60,350,300,50)) { 
      hadd init 1 | hadd clr_own w | hadd mode sp 
    ; SELECT: connect to a server
    elseif ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,60,410,300,50)) { 
      hadd init 1 | hadd clr_own b | hadd mode mp | hadd last_moved b
    ; SELECT: start a server
    elseif ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,60,470,300,50)) { 
      hadd init 1 | hadd clr_own w | hadd mode mp | hadd own_turn 1
      start_server | drawtext -ro @chess 16749691 verdana 22 370 480 waiting for other player...

  if ($hget(,mode) == mp) && (!$hget(,own_turn)) { return }
  if ($hget(,mode) == sp) { var %clr_own = $iif($hget(,last_moved) == w,b,w) | hadd clr_own %clr_own }
  else { var %clr_own = $hget(,clr_own) }

  var %x = $left($calc($mouse.x -20+100),1) 
  var %y = $left($calc($mouse.y -20+100),1)
  var %xy = $+(%y,%x)
  var %clr_selected = $left($hget(chess.board,%xy),1)
  var %clr_moved = $hget(,clr_moved)

  var %last.x = $hget(,last.x)
  var %last.y = $hget(,last.y)
  var %last.xy = $+(%last.y,%last.x)
  var %y-1 = $bw(%y,1,%clr_moved)
  var %xy-1 = $+(%y-1,%x)

  var %is_last = $iif((%x == %last.x) && (%y == %last.y),$true,$false)
  var %current_selections = $hget(,current_selections)
  var %selected = $hget(,selected)

  if (!%selected) && (%clr_selected != %clr_own) && ($hget(chess.board,%xy)) { return }
  elseif (%selected) && (%clr_selected == %clr_own) {
    clear_selections %last.xy %current_selections | hdel selected | hdel current_selections
    if (%is_last) { return }   
  elseif (!$hget(chess.board,%xy) && !$hget(,selected)) { return }
  elseif (!$istok(%current_selections,%xy,32)) && (%current_selections) { return }

  ; a piece is selected, and moveable
  if ($hget(,selected)) {
    hadd last_moved %clr_own
    ;if ($hget(chess.board,%xy)) { hadd chess.taken $v1 }
    if ($hget(,en_passant) == %xy-1) && ($left($hget(chess.board,%xy-1),1) != %clr_own) { 
      ;hadd chess.taken $+($hget(chess.board,%xy-1),%xy-1) 1 
      hdel chess.board %xy-1 
      drawrect -rf @chess $get_color(%x,%y-1) 0 $get_square(%x) $get_square(%y-1) 100 100
    hdel en_passant

    drawrect -rf @chess $get_color(%last.x,%last.y) 0 $get_square(%last.x) $get_square(%last.y) 100 100
    if ($hget(chess.board,%last.xy)) { draw_piece $get_square(%x) $get_square(%y) $v1 $get_color(%x,%y) }
    noop $chess_move(%last.xy,->,%xy)
    clear_selections %current_selections %last.xy
    hdel selected
    hdel current_selections

    if ($hget(,mode) == mp) {
      if (!$hget(,just_switched)) { chess_send move %last.xy %xy }
      print_info light_blue $hget(,opponent) $+ 's turn
      hdel own_turn 
    hdel just_switched  

  ; nothing selected, so we're selecting a piece
  else {
    var %piece = $hget(chess.board,%xy)
    draw_selection %x %y green
    ;draw_piece $get_square(%x) $get_square(%y) %piece $get_color(%x,%y)
    hadd selected 1
    chess_piece_options %piece %x %y

  hadd clr_moved %clr_selected
  hadd last.x %x
  hadd last.y %y

alias -l draw_piece {
  drawpic -c @chess $1 $2 0 0 100 100 $+(chess/,$3,_,$iif($4,w,b),.png)

alias -l draw_selection {
  drawrect -r @chess $clr_replace($3) 3 $calc($get_square($1) +1) $calc($get_square($2) +1) 98 98

alias -l chess_move {
  var %piece = $hget(chess.board,$1)
  var %move_len = $abs($calc($left($3,1) - $left($1,1)))

  if ($right(%piece,-2) == pawn) {
    if ($istok(1 8,$left($3,1),32)) { 
      noop $dialog(choose_piece,choose_piece) 
      switch_piece %newpiece $3 $1 
      if ($hget(,mode) == mp) { chess_send switch %newpiece $3 $1 } 
      hadd just_switched 1
      unset %newpiece
    elseif (%move_len == 2) { hadd en_passant $3 }
  hadd chess.board $3 %piece
  hdel chess.board $1

alias -l switch_piece {
  var %x = $mid($2,1,1)
  var %y = $mid($2,2,1)
  var %dx = $get_square(%x)
  var %dy = $get_square(%y)

  var %new_piece = $1
  hadd chess.board $2 %new_piece
  hdel chess.board $3

  draw_piece %dy %dx %new_piece $get_color(%x,%y)

alias -l clr_replace {
  return $replacex($1,red,255,green,65280,blue,16732457,yellow,2751743,light_blue,16749691)

alias -l get_color {
  return $iif($calc(($1 -($2 % 2)) % 2),0,16777215)

alias -l get_piece {
  if ($istok(1 2 7 8,$1,32)) { 
    if ($1 == 2) { return w_pawn }
    elseif ($1 == 7) { return b_pawn }
    elseif ($1 == 8) { return $gettok(b_rook b_knight b_bishop b_queen b_king b_bishop b_knight b_rook,$2,32) }
    else { return $gettok(w_rook w_knight w_bishop w_queen w_king w_bishop w_knight w_rook,$2,32) }

alias -l get_square {
  return $calc((($1 -1) *100) +20)

alias -l clear_selections {
  var %z = 1 
  while ($gettok($1-,%z,32)) {
    var %x = $mid($v1,2,1)
    var %y = $mid($v1,1,1)
    var %ispiece = $hget(chess.board,$v1)
    if ($v1 != 99) { 
      drawrect -rf @chess $get_color(%x,%y) 0 $get_square(%x) $get_square(%y) 100 100
      if (%ispiece) { draw_piece $get_square(%x) $get_square(%y) $v1 $get_color(%x,%y) }
    inc %z

alias -l print_info {
  drawrect -rf @chess 3684408 0 20 830 840 20 | drawtext -ro @chess $clr_replace($1) verdana 16 20 830 $2-

alias -l check_square {
  if (!$hget(chess.board,$+($2,$1))) || ($left($hget(chess.board,$+($2,$1)),1) == $iif($hget(,clr_own) == w,b,w)) { return $true }

alias -l in_board {
  if ($1 isnum 1-8) && ($2 isnum 1-8) { return $true }

alias -l draw+select {
  draw_selection $1 $2 $hget(,clr_select) | return $+($2,$1)

alias -l fw { return $calc($1 $iif($3 == w,+,-) $2) }
alias -l bw { return $calc($1 $iif($3 == w,-,+) $2) }

alias -l chess_piece_options {
  var %piece = $right($1,-2)
  var %clr_own = $left($1,1)
  var %clr_opponent = $iif(%clr_own == w,b,w)
  var %x = $2
  var %y = $3

  ; PAWN
  if (%piece == pawn) { 

    var %y+1 = $fw(%y,1,%clr_own)
    var %y+2 = $fw(%y,2,%clr_own)
    var %x+1 = $calc(%x +1)
    var %x-1 = $calc(%x -1)

    var %take_left = $+(%y+1,%x+1)
    var %take_right = $+(%y+1,%x-1)

    if (($left($hget(chess.board,%take_left),1) == %clr_opponent) || (($hget(,en_passant) == $+(%y,%x+1)) && ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%y,%x+1)),1) == %clr_opponent))) {
      var %select = %select $draw+select(%x+1,%y+1)
    if (($left($hget(chess.board,%take_right),1) == %clr_opponent) || (($hget(,en_passant) == $+(%y,%x-1)) && ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%y,%x-1)),1) == %clr_opponent))) { 
      var %select = %select $draw+select(%x-1,%y+1) 
    if (!$hget(chess.board,$+(%y+1,%x))) && (%y+1 <= 8) && (%y+1 > 1) {
      var %select = %select $draw+select(%x,%y+1)

      ; 2 steps for first move
      if ($istok(2 7,%y,32)) && (!$hget(chess.board,$+(%y+2,%x))) && (%y+2 <= 8) && (%y+2 > 1) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x,%y+2) }
    hadd current_selections $iif(%select,$v1,99)

  ; ROOK
  elseif (%piece == rook) {

    ; :: RIGHT
    var %z = $iif(%x == 8,9,$calc(%x +1))
    while (%z <= 8) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%y,%z))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%z,%y) | inc %z }
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%y,%z)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%z,%y) }

    ; :: LEFT
    var %z = $iif(%x == 1,0,$calc(%x -1))
    while (%z >= 1) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%y,%z))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%z,%y) | dec %z } 
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%y,%z)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%z,%y) }

    ; :: UP
    var %z = $iif(%y == 1,0,$calc(%y -1))
    while (%z >= 1) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%z,%x))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%x,%z) | dec %z }
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%z,%x)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x,%z) }

    ; :: DOWN
    var %z = $iif(%y == 8,9,$calc(%y +1))
    while (%z <= 8) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%z,%x))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%x,%z) | inc %z }
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%z,%x)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x,%z) }

    hadd current_selections $iif(%select,$v1,99)

  elseif (%piece == bishop) {

    ; :: LEFT-UP
    var %sx = $iif(%x == 1,0,$calc(%x -1))
    var %sy = $iif(%y == 1,0,$calc(%y -1))
    while (%sx >= 1) && (%sy >= 1) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) | dec %sx | dec %sy }
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) }

    ; :: LEFT-DOWN
    var %sx = $iif(%x == 1,0,$calc(%x -1))
    var %sy = $iif(%y == 8,9,$calc(%y +1))
    while (%sx >= 1) && (%sy <= 8) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) | dec %sx | inc %sy }
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) }

    ; :: RIGHT-UP
    var %sx = $iif(%x == 8,9,$calc(%x +1))
    var %sy = $iif(%y == 1,0,$calc(%y -1))
    while (%sx <= 8) && (%sy >= 1) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) | inc %sx | dec %sy }
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) }

    ; :: RIGHT-DOWN
    var %sx = $iif(%x == 8,9,$calc(%x +1))
    var %sy = $iif(%y == 8,9,$calc(%y +1))
    while (%sx <= 8) && (%sy <= 8) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) | inc %sx | inc %sy }
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) }

    hadd current_selections $iif(%select,$v1,99)

  elseif (%piece == queen) {

    ; :: RIGHT
    var %z = $iif(%x == 8,9,$calc(%x +1))
    while (%z <= 8) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%y,%z))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%z,%y) | inc %z }
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%y,%z)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%z,%y) }

    ; :: LEFT
    var %z = $iif(%x == 1,0,$calc(%x -1))
    while (%z >= 1) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%y,%z))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%z,%y) | dec %z } 
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%y,%z)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%z,%y) }

    ; :: UP
    var %z = $iif(%y == 1,0,$calc(%y -1))
    while (%z >= 1) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%z,%x))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%x,%z) | dec %z }
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%z,%x)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x,%z) }

    ; :: DOWN
    var %z = $iif(%y == 8,9,$calc(%y +1))
    while (%z <= 8) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%z,%x))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%x,%z) | inc %z }
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%z,%x)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x,%z) }

    ; :: LEFT-UP
    var %sx = $iif(%x == 1,0,$calc(%x -1))
    var %sy = $iif(%y == 1,0,$calc(%y -1))
    while (%sx >= 1) && (%sy >= 1) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) | dec %sx | dec %sy }
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) }

    ; :: LEFT-DOWN
    var %sx = $iif(%x == 1,0,$calc(%x -1))
    var %sy = $iif(%y == 8,9,$calc(%y +1))
    while (%sx >= 1) && (%sy <= 8) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) | dec %sx | inc %sy }
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) }

    ; :: RIGHT-UP
    var %sx = $iif(%x == 8,9,$calc(%x +1))
    var %sy = $iif(%y == 1,0,$calc(%y -1))
    while (%sx <= 8) && (%sy >= 1) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) | inc %sx | dec %sy }
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) }

    ; :: RIGHT-DOWN
    var %sx = $iif(%x == 8,9,$calc(%x +1))
    var %sy = $iif(%y == 8,9,$calc(%y +1))
    while (%sx <= 8) && (%sy <= 8) { if ($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx))) { break } | var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) | inc %sx | inc %sy }
    if ($left($hget(chess.board,$+(%sy,%sx)),1) == %clr_opponent) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%sx,%sy) }

    hadd current_selections $iif(%select,$v1,99)

  ; KING
  elseif (%piece == king) {

    var %x-1 = $iif(%x == 1,0,$calc(%x -1))
    var %y-1 = $iif(%y == 1,0,$calc(%y -1))
    var %x+1 = $iif(%x == 8,9,$calc(%x +1))
    var %y+1 = $iif(%y == 8,9,$calc(%y +1))

    ; :: RIGHT
    if ($check_square(%x+1,%y)) && ($in_board(%x+1,%y)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x+1,%y) }

    ; :: LEFT
    if ($check_square(%x-1,%y)) && ($in_board(%x-1,%y)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x-1,%y) }

    ; :: UP
    if ($check_square(%x,%y-1)) && ($in_board(%x,%y-1)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x,%y-1) }

    ; :: DOWN
    if ($check_square(%x,%y+1)) && ($in_board(%x,%y+1)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x,%y+1) }

    ; :: LEFT-UP
    if ($check_square(%x-1,%y-1)) && ($in_board(%x-1,%y-1)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x-1,%y-1) }

    ; :: LEFT-DOWN
    if ($check_square(%x-1,%y+1)) && ($in_board(%x-1,%y+1)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x-1,%y+1) }

    ; :: RIGHT-UP
    if ($check_square(%x+1,%y-1)) && ($in_board(%x+1,%y-1)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x+1,%y-1) }

    ; :: RIGHT-DOWN
    if ($check_square(%x+1,%y+1)) && ($in_board(%x+1,%y+1)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x+1,%y+1) }

    hadd current_selections $iif(%select,$v1,99)

  elseif (%piece = knight) {

    var %x+1 = $iif(%x == 8,9,$calc(%x +1))
    var %x-1 = $iif(%x == 1,0,$calc(%x -1))
    var %x+2 = $iif(%x == 8,9,$calc(%x +2))
    var %x-2 = $iif(%x == 1,0,$calc(%x -2))
    var %y+1 = $iif(%y == 8,9,$calc(%y +1))
    var %y-1 = $iif(%y == 1,0,$calc(%y -1))
    var %y+2 = $iif(%y == 8,9,$calc(%y +2))
    var %y-2 = $iif(%y == 1,0,$calc(%y -2))

    ; :: DOWN-2 RIGHT-1
    if ($check_square(%x+1,%y+2)) && ($in_board(%x+1,%y+2)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x+1,%y+2) }

    ; :: DOWN-2 LEFT-1
    if ($check_square(%x-1,%y+2)) && ($in_board(%x-1,%y+2)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x-1,%y+2) }

    ; :: DOWN-1 RIGHT-2
    if ($check_square(%x+2,%y+1)) && ($in_board(%x+2,%y+1)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x+2,%y+1) }

    ; :: DOWN-1 LEFT-2
    if ($check_square(%x-2,%y+1)) && ($in_board(%x-2,%y+1)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x-2,%y+1) }

    ; :: UP-2 RIGHT-1
    if ($check_square(%x+1,%y-2)) && ($in_board(%x+1,%y-2)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x+1,%y-2) }

    ; :: UP-2 LEFT-1
    if ($check_square(%x-1,%y-2)) && ($in_board(%x-1,%y-2)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x-1,%y-2) }

    ; :: UP-1 RIGHT-2
    if ($check_square(%x+2,%y-1)) && ($in_board(%x+2,%y-1)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x+2,%y-1) }

    ; :: UP-1 LEFT-2
    if ($check_square(%x-2,%y-1)) && ($in_board(%x-2,%y-1)) { var %select = %select $draw+select(%x-2,%y-1) }

    hadd current_selections $iif(%select,$v1,99)


dialog choose_piece {
  title "Chess"
  size -1 -1 422 130
  option pixels

  text "Select a new piece.",5, 7 5 417 20
  icon 1, 5 25 100 100
  icon 2, 108 25 100 100
  icon 3, 211 25 100 100
  icon 4, 314 25 100 100

on 1:dialog:choose_piece:init:*:{
  did -g $dname 1 $+(chess/,$hget(,clr_own),_queen_w.png)
  did -g $dname 2 $+(chess/,$hget(,clr_own),_rook_w.png)
  did -g $dname 3 $+(chess/,$hget(,clr_own),_bishop_w.png)
  did -g $dname 4 $+(chess/,$hget(,clr_own),_knight_w.png)

on 1:dialog:choose_piece:sclick:1,2,3,4:{
  set %newpiece $+($hget(,clr_own),_,$gettok(queen rook bishop knight,$did,32))
  dialog -x choose_piece

on *:close:@chess:{
  hfree chess.board
  ;hfree chess.taken

  if ($sock(chess_connect)) { sockclose chess_connect }
  if ($sock(chess)) { sockclose chess }

;; socket part

alias -l connect_dialog { noop $dialog(chess_connect,chess_connect) }

dialog chess_connect {
  title "Create chess connection"
  size -1 -1 275 50
  option pixels

  text "IP", 1, 7 5 100 20
  text "PORT", 2, 111 5 100 20
  edit "", 3, 5 22 100 20
  edit "", 4, 108 22 100 20
  button "connect", 5, 211 21 60 22,default

on 1:dialog:chess_connect:init:*:{
  did -a $dname 3 %chess.ip
  did -a $dname 4 $iif(%chess.port,$v1,6666)

on 1:dialog:chess_connect:sclick:5:{
  set %chess.ip $did($dname,3)
  set %chess.port $did($dname,4)
  dialog -x chess_connect

alias start_server {
  sockclose chess_connect
  socklisten chess_connect 6666

alias -l connect_to_server {
  sockopen chess %chess.ip %chess.port

alias -l chess_send { sockwrite -n chess $1- }

on *:socklisten:chess_connect:{
  print_info light_blue You start.
  sockaccept chess
  chess_send init $me

on *:sockopen:chess:{ chess_initiate | chess_send init $me }

on *:sockread:chess:{ 
  var %t
  sockread %t 

  if ($gettok(%t,1,32) == init) { 
    hadd opponent $gettok(%t,2,32)
    if (!$hget(,own_turn)) { print_info light_blue $gettok(%t,2,32) starts. }
  elseif ($gettok(%t,1,32) == move) { 
    hadd own_turn 1 
    var %last.xy = $gettok(%t,2,32)
    var %last.x = $mid(%last.xy,2,1)
    var %last.y = $mid(%last.xy,1,1)

    var %xy = $gettok(%t,3,32)
    var %x = $mid(%xy,2,1)
    var %y = $mid(%xy,1,1)

    drawrect -rf @chess $get_color(%last.x,%last.y) 0 $get_square(%last.x) $get_square(%last.y) 100 100
    if ($hget(chess.board,%last.xy)) { draw_piece $get_square(%x) $get_square(%y) $v1 $get_color(%x,%y) }
    noop $chess_move(%last.xy,->,%xy)
    draw_selection %last.x %last.y light_blue
    draw_selection %x %y yellow
    .timerclrlast $+ %xy 1 5 clear_selections %last.xy %xy
    print_info light_blue Your turn.
  elseif ($gettok(%t,1,32) == load) {
    print_info light_blue $hget(,opponent) loaded a game: $gettok(%t,2,32) with $gettok(%t,3,32)
  elseif ($gettok(%t,1,32) == switch) { 
    switch_piece $gettok(%t,2,32) $gettok(%t,3,32) $gettok(%t,4,32)
    clear_selections $gettok(%t,4,32)
    hadd own_turn 1
    print_info light_blue Your turn.

on *:sockclose:chess:{
  print_info red $hget(,opponent) disconnected.



Singleplayer mode is only for debugging and testing, not actually to play. This game is meant to be played as multiplayer, where other player starts a server (whites), and other connects to this server (blacks)


Two connection types are available, sockets and through IRC with /notice or /msg Connection type must be same on both players, the one starting a server must start a server using sockets (default), or from server dialog select IRC and input the other players nick (in active server connection)

The connecting player must then select the same connection method from the connect dialog, and input the servers IP (sockets) or NICK (IRC), note that the same PORT must be used on both clients.

=== IMPLEMENTED RULES === (read more about the rules from wikipedia)

All the pieces move correctly, and you cannot make a move that wouldn't go by the rules. Pawn can perform en passant move, and if advanced to the 8th rank (other side of the board), it gets promoted to queen,rook,bishop,knight of the same color. King and rook can perform castling move, if all the requirements are met, selecting king will highlight the rook, if then clicked on the rook, the castling is performed. IF king is in check, the game will show the selectiong borders in squares you cannot move, but won't let you move there if you try.

Mouse & menus

You select pieces by clicking them, and move them by clicking on the target square, clicking the selected piece will de-select it. You'll find last move from bottom right hand side of the board, clicking it will append the log-window on the right side, where you will see 40 (with 100px squares) or 24 (60px squares) last moves, doubleclicking a move in the log-window will highlight the move on the board. Right clicking anywhere brings you a popup-menu, where you will always find options and help, if in game, also save & load are in this menu. If in multiplayer mode, there's also "send msg", from where you can send a message to other players infobar (bottom left hand side on the board). Right clicking on the log menu let's you save the log.

Saving & loading

You can save and load your gamestate, the game will create 2 files into your /chess-folder and There will be notification for you, if the opponent loads a game, telling you what game he/she loaded.


Logging format: let's you choose the logging format between "International (Pe2xf1Q+)" and "New (P E2->F1 Q take+check)" Square size: Width & height of the squares in the board in pixels. IRC send method: Uses /msg OPPONENT or /notice OPPONENT to send information if connected via IRC. Selection frames: Switch on/off showing of the borders in squares where you can move.