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Revision as of 10:17, 3 July 2007 by Vliedel (talk | contribs) (little test..)

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Outputs raw server messages, both incoming and outgoing, to a debug.log file, or a custom @window.
$debug returns the name of debug file/window.

/debug [-cinpt] [N] [on|off|@window|filename] [identifier]

Note: /debug works independently for each server connection.


Switch Meaning
-c turns off debugging and closes the associated custom @window
-i the specified identifier before a debug line is logged. The return value of the identifier is used as the debug line.
-n opens the custom @window minmized.
-p turns word wrapping on.
-t turns timestamping on.

Example on using a custom alias:

; we'll make an alias that we will use with /debug -i
alias debugoutput { 

  ; the debug line is actually $1, so we'll now tokenize it, so we can use $1 $1- etc.
  tokenize 32 $1 

  ; this will just replace those arrows <- and -> (which is $1 after the tokenize) with colored ones
  return $replace($1, $&
    <-, $+($chr(3),10,<-,$chr(3)), $&
    ->, $+($chr(3),04,->,$chr(3)) $&
  ) $2- 

; now just open the debug window with /debug -i @debug debugoutput
