Raw 366

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Format:<channel> :End of /NAMES list.
Info:This is returned at the end of a NAMES list, after all visible names are returned.
Example:#help.script :End of /NAMES list.

See Also


  • Raw 353 This is returned for a NAMES request for a channel, or when you initially join a channel. It contains a list of every user on the channel. If channel mode p, returns *. If channel mode s, returns @. If neither, returns =.
  • Raw 355 Returned when doing /names -d #channel to find out about users hidden by delayed join mode (+d/+D)
  • Raw 366 This is returned at the end of a NAMES list, after all visible names are returned.


  • Raw 332 This is returned for a TOPIC request or when you JOIN, if the channel has a topic.
  • Raw 332 This is returned for a TOPIC request or when you JOIN, if the channel has a topic.
  • Raw 333 This is returned for a TOPIC request or when you JOIN, if the channel has a topic.
  • Raw 353 This is returned for a NAMES request for a channel, or when you initially join a channel. It contains a list of every user on the channel. If channel mode p, returns *. If channel mode s, returns @. If neither, returns =.
  • Raw 405 Returned if you try to JOIN a channel and you have already reached the maximum number of channels for that server. You will not be able to JOIN any more channels until you PART some of your current channels.
  • Raw 439 This is used on some networks as a way to prevent spammers and other mass-messagers. This is returned when a user tries to message too many different users or join too many different channels in a short period of time.
  • Raw 471 Returned when attempting to JOIN a channel that has already reached it's user limit. A channel can set a user limit by setting a MODE +l with a maximum number of users. Once that many users are in the channel, any other users attempting to JOIN will get this reply.
  • Raw 473 Returned when attempting to JOIN a channel that is INVITE-only (MODE +i) without being invited. A channel is invite-only if a channel op sets a MODE +i. Only a channel op can INVITE a user to an invite-only channel.
  • Raw 474 Returned when attempting to JOIN a channel that you are banned from.
  • Raw 475 Returned when attempting to JOIN a channel that has a key set (MODE +k) when you have not used the proper key.
  • Raw 477 This is returned if you try to join a channel with +r while you aren't authed.
  • Raw 479 This is returned if you try to join a channel which is glined.
  • Raw JOIN Sent when someone joins a channel you're in