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numeric: 001    RPL_WELCOME
format: <source> 001 <target> :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network [via <provider>], <target>
info: returned when connecing, [via <provider>] only appears when the PROVIDER F line has been set, it's used for providing promotional space to providers
example: irc.quakenet.org 001 Dana :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network, Dana
numeric: 002    RPL_YOURHOST
format: <source> 002 <target> :Your host <server>, running version <version>
info: returned when connecting
example: irc.quakenet.org 002 Dana :Your host is irc.quakenet.org, running version u2.10.11.04+asuka(1.0.6a)
numeric: 003    RPL_CREATED
format: <source> 003 <target> :This server was created <DDD> <MMM> <D> <YYYY> at <HH:NN:SS> <TZ>
info: returned when connecting
example: irc.quakenet.org 003 Dana :This server was created Mon Mar 8 2004 at 19:10:49 CET
numeric: 004    RPL_MYINFO
format: <source> 004 <target> :<server> <version> <usermodes> <channelmodes> <channelmodes_with_param>
info: returned when connecting
example: irc.quakenet.org 004 Dana irc.quakenet.org u2.10.11.04+asuka(1.0.6a) dioswkgxXInR biklmnopstvrDcCNu bklov
numeric: 005    RPL_ISUPPORT
format: <source> 005 <target> :<list_of_features> :are supported by this server
info: returned when connecting and when using the VERSION command
info: features are either a word describing the feature eg: 'SILENCE', or a word describing the feature and an equals and a list of parameters. eg: SILENCE=15 (says that we support silence, and we support up to 15 of them per user), or FOO=12,3 (says we support FOO with parameters 12 and 3)
example: irc.quakenet.org 005 Dana CHANTYPES=#& PREFIX=(ov)@+ CHANMODES=b,k,l,imnpstrDdcCNu CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 NETWORK=QuakeNet :are supported by this server
numeric: 008    RPL_SNOMASK
format: <source> 008 <target> <snomask> :: Server notice mask (<snomask_hex_value>)
info: returned when requesting your usermodes with MODE and you have usermode +s set and when setting/changing snomask level
info:  for more info on snomasks see http://cvs.undernet.org/viewcvs.py/*checkout*/undernet-ircu/ircu2.10/doc/snomask.html?rev=1.2
example: irc.quakenet.org 008 Dana 32767 :: Server notice mask (0x7FFF)
numeric: 015    RPL_MAP
format: <source> 015 <target> :[<tree>][*|!]<server> (<X>s) [<N> clients]
info: returned when using the MAP command. * means the server is bursting, ! means the server has acknowledged the burst, X seconds delay, N clients on the server
example: irc.quakenet.org 015 Dana :irc.quakenet.org (0s) [20657 clients]
example: irc.quakenet.org 015 Dana :|-!hub1.quakenet.org (0s) [2 clients]
example: irc.quakenet.org 015 Dana :`-hub2.quakenet.org (0s) [3 clients]
example: irc.quakenet.org 015 Dana :  `-*CServe.quakenet.org (0s) [1 clients]
numeric: 016    RPL_MAPMORE
format: <source> 016 <target> :`-----------------------------------------------------------<server> --> *more*
info: returned when using the MAP command if the tree is too big in the output
example: irc.quakenet.org 016 Dana :`-----------------------------------------------------------hub1.quakenet.org --> *more*
numeric: 017    RPL_MAPEND
format: <source> 017 <target> :End of /MAP
info: returned when using the MAP command
example: irc.quakenet.org 017 Dana :End of /MAP
info: 100-199 Reserve numerics 000-099 for server-client connections where the client is local to the server.
info: If any server passed a numeric in this range from another server then it is remapped to 100-199.
info: 105 reply to remote VERSION request, see numeric 005
numeric: 200    RPL_TRACELINK
format: <source> 200 <target> Link <version> <mask> <server>
info: returned when using the TRACE command, <server> is linked to the network
example: irc.quakenet.org 200 Dana Link u2.10.11.04+asuka(1.0.6). CServe.* CServe.quakenet.org
format: <source> 201 <target> Try. <class> <server>
info: returned when using the TRACE command, <server> is connecting
example: irc.quakenet.org 201 Dana Try. 90 hub1.quakenet.org
numeric: 202    RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE
format: <source> 202 <target> H.S. <class> <server>
info: returned when using the TRACE command, <server> is bursting?
example: irc.quakenet.org 202 Dana H.S. 90 hub1.quakenet.org
numeric: 203    RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN
format: <source> 203 <target> ???? <class> <ip>
info: returned when using the TRACE command, connection is unknown
example: irc.quakenet.org 203 Dana ???? 1
numeric: 204    RPL_TRACEOPERATOR
format: <source> 204 <target> Oper <class> <nick>[@<ip>] <idle_time>
info: returned when using the TRACE command, <nick> is an IRC Operator
example: irc.quakenet.org 204 Dana Oper 10 Dana[@] 4
numeric: 205    RPL_TRACEUSER
format: <source> 205 <target> User <class> <nick>[@<ip>] <idle_time>
info: returned when using the TRACE command, <nick> is a user
example: irc.quakenet.org 205 Dana User 1 Dana[@] 5
numeric: 206    RPL_TRACESERVER
format: <source> 206 <target> Serv <class> <servers_linked>S <clients>C <connected_by> <nick>!<user>@<host|server> <idle_time> <connection_time>
info: returned when using the TRACE command
example: irc.quakenet.org 206 Dana Serv 90 2S 6C irc.quakenet.org *!*@hub1.quakenet.org 79 63706
numeric: 208    RPL_TRACENEWTYPE
format: <source> 208 <target> <newtype> 0 <nick>
info: returned when using the TRACE command, connection does not fit in the other categories but is being displayed anyway
example: irc.quakenet.org 208 Dana <newtype> 0 Dana
numeric: 209    RPL_TRACECLASS
format: <source> 209 <target> Class <class> <count>
info: returned when using the TRACE command
example: irc.quakenet.org 209 Dana Class 1 20657
numeric: 211    RPL_STATSLINKINFO
format: <source> 211 <target> <Connection> <SendQ> <SendM> <SendKBytes> <RcveM> <RcveKBytes> :<Open since>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS l" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 211 Dana Connection SendQ SendM SendKBytes RcveM RcveKBytes :Open since
example: irc.quakenet.org 211 Dana hub1.quakenet.org 0 1545 90 1536 93 :66729
numeric: 212    RPL_STATSCOMMANDS
format: <source> 212 <target> <command> <count> <byte_count>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS m" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 212 Dana ACCOUNT 41 462
numeric: 213    RPL_STATSCLINE
format: <source> 213 <target> C <ip|host> <password> <server> <port> <class>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS C" request, some fields may be a '*'
example: irc.quakenet.org 213 Dana C * hub1.quakenet.org 4400 90
numeric: 215    RPL_STATSILINE
format: <source> 215 <target> I <IP_mask_or_crap_to_force_resolving> <password>|<limit> <hostmask> 0 <class>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS I" request, some fields may be a '*'
example: irc.quakenet.org 215 Dana I *@* * *@* 0 1
numeric: 216    RPL_STATSKLINE
format: <source> 216 <target> [k|K] <host>|<ip>|$R<realname> "<reason>|!<file>" <user> 0 0
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS K" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 216 Dana K * "Do not IRC as root" *root 0 0
numeric: 217    RPL_STATSPLINE
format: <source> 217 <target> P <port> <connection_count> <C|S>[H] <active|disabled>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS P" request, C=client port, S=server port, H=hidden from users
example: irc.quakenet.org 217 Dana P 6667 10435 C active
numeric: 218    RPL_STATSYLINE
format: <source> 218 <target> Y <class> <ping_frequency> <connect_frequency> <max_links> <max_sendQ> <links>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS Y" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 218 Dana Y 1 90 0 25000 160000 20546
numeric: 219    RPL_ENDOFSTATS
format: <source> 219 <target> <char> :End of /STATS report
info: returned when using the STATS command
example: irc.quakenet.org 219 Dana Y :End of /STATS report
numeric: 221    RPL_UMODEIS
format: <source> 221 <target> +[<user_modes>]
info: returned when requesting your usermodes with the MODE command
example: irc.quakenet.org 221 Dana +ix
numeric: 228    RPL_STATSQLINE
format: <source> 228 <target> Q <channel> :<reason>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS Q" request
info: Q:lines, Allows the admin to disallow the usage of /OPMODE and /CLEARMODE on certain sensitive channels.
example: irc.quakenet.org 228 Dana #channel :They can take care of themselves
numeric: 236    RPL_STATSVERBOSE
format: <source> 236 <target> <Servername> <Uplink> <Flags> <Hops> <Numeric> <Lag> <RTT> <Up> <Down> <Clients/Max> <Proto> <LinkTS> :<info>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS v" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 236 Dana Servername           Uplink             Flags Hops Numeric   Lag    RTT         Up Down       Clients/Max Proto LinkTS     :Info
example: irc.quakenet.org 236 Dana irc.quakenet.org     hub1.quakenet.org  ----     1      AD     3    107190866    0    0    0        4 127 P10   1100716866 :hub server
numeric: 237    RPL_STATSENGINE
format: <source> 237 <target> <engine> :Event loop engine
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS e" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 237 Dana poll() :Event loop engine
numeric: 238    RPL_STATSFLINE
format: <source> 238 <target> F <option> <value>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS F" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 238 Dana F HIDDEN_HOST users.quakenet.org
numeric: 241    RPL_STATSLLINE
format: <source> 241 <target> L <disallowed_hostmask> * <servermask> <max_depth> -1
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS H" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 241 Dana L * hub1.quakenet.org 5 -1
numeric: 242    RPL_STATSUPTIME
format: <source> 242 <target> :Server Up <N> days, <HH:NN:SS>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS u" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 242 Dana :Server Up 0 days, 0:28:56
numeric: 243    RPL_STATSOLINE
format: <source> 243 <target> [o|O] <mask> <password> <ID> 0 <class>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS O" request, O=global oper, o=local oper, some fields may be a '*'
example: irc.quakenet.org 243 Dana O *@ * Dana 0 10
numeric: 244    RPL_STATSHLINE
format: <source> 244 <target> H <allowed_hostmask> * <servername> <max_hops> -1
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS h" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 244 Dana H * hub1.quakenet.org 0 -1
numeric: 246    RPL_STATSTLINE
format: <source> 246 <target> T <classnumber>|<hostmask> <file>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS T" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 246 Dana T *.nl nl.motd
numeric: 247    RPL_STATSGLINE
format: <source> 247 <target> G <mask> <expire> :<reason>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS g" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 247 Dana G *!*@ 1149164936 :clones
numeric: 248    RPL_STATSULINE
format: <source> 248 <target> U <server> <nicks> * 0 -1
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS U" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 248 Dana U CServe.quakenet.org Q * 0 -1
numeric: 249    RPL_STATSDEBUG
format: <source> 249 <target> :<text>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS z" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 249 Dana :Clients 10(2080) Connections 4(3424)
example: irc.quakenet.org 249 Dana :Users 7(1456) Accounts 2(32) Invites 0(0)
numeric: 250    RPL_STATSCONN
format: <source> 250 <target> :Highest connection count: <connection_count> (<client_count> clients)
info: returned when using STATS command, "STATS w" request
example: irc.quakenet.org 250 Dana :Highest connection count: 25001 (25000 clients)
numeric: 251    RPL_LUSERCLIENT
format: <source> 251 <target> :There are <visible_users> users and <invisible_users> invisible on <server_count> servers
info: returned when using the LUSERS command
example: irc.quakenet.org 251 Dana :There are 73276 users and 156690 invisible on 41 servers
numeric: 252    RPL_LUSEROP
format: <source> 252 <target> <oper_count> :operator(s) online
info: returned when using the LUSERS command
example: irc.quakenet.org 252 Dana 75 :operator(s) online
numeric: 253    RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN
format: <source> 253 <target> <count> :unknown connection(s)
info: returned when using the LUSERS command
example: irc.quakenet.org 253 Dana 233 :unknown connection(s)
numeric: 254    RPL_LUSERCHANNELS
format: <source> 254 <target> <channel_count> :channels formed
info: returned when using the LUSERS command
example: irc.quakenet.org 254 Dana 196336 :channels formed
numeric: 255    RPL_LUSERME
format: <source> 255 <target> :I have <client_count> clients and <servers_linked> servers
info: returned when using the LUSERS command
example: irc.quakenet.org 255 Dana :I have 15808 clients and 1 servers
numeric: 256    RPL_ADMINME
format: <source> 256 <target> :Administrative info about <server>
info: returned when using the ADMIN command
example: irc.quakenet.org 256 Dana :Administrative info about irc.quakenet.org
numeric: 257    RPL_ADMINLOC1
format: <source> 257 <target> :<text>
info: returned when using the ADMIN command
example: irc.quakenet.org 257 Dana :The QuakeNet IRC Network - www.quakenet.org
numeric: 258    RPL_ADMINLOC2
format: <source> 258 <target> :<text>
info: returned when using the ADMIN command
example: irc.quakenet.org 258 Dana :QuakeNet IRC Server
numeric: 259    RPL_ADMINEMAIL
format: <source> 259 <target> :<text>
info: returned when using the ADMIN command
example: irc.quakenet.org 259 Dana :IRC Admins <mail@host>
numeric: 270    RPL_PRIVS
format: <source> 270 <target> <nick> :<available>
info: returned when using the PRIVS command
numeric: 271    RPL_SILELIST
format: <source> 271 <target> <nick> <mask>
info: returned when using the SILENCE command
example: irc.quakenet.org 271 Dana Dana *!*@evil.host.com
numeric: 272    RPL_ENDOFSILELIST
format: <source> 272 <target> <nick> :End of Silence List
info: returned when using the SILENCE command
example: irc.quakenet.org 272 Dana Dana :End of Silence List
numeric: 275    RPL_STATSDLINE
format: <source> 275 <target> [d|D] <servermask> <rule>
info: returned when using the STATS command, "STATS d" request, D=server will refuse to connect to.., d=server will not autoconnect to..
example: irc.quakenet.org 275 Dana d hub2.quakenet.org connected(hub1.quakenet.org)
numeric: 280    RPL_GLIST
format: <source> 280 <target> <mask> <expire_ts> <target> <+|-> :<reason>
info: returned when using the GLINE command
example: irc.quakenet.org 280 Dana *!root@* 1358009301 * + :don't irc as root
numeric: 281    RPL_ENDOFGLIST
format: <source> 281 <target> :End of G-line List
info: returned when using the GLINE command
example: irc.quakenet.org 281 Dana :End of G-line List
numeric: 282    RPL_JUPELIST
format: <source> 282 <target> <mask> <expire_ts> * <+|-> :<reason>
info: returned when using the JUPE command
example: irc.quakenet.org 282 Dana hud.de.quakenet.org 1107199864 * + :bad uplink
numeric: 283    RPL_ENDOFJUPELIST
format: <source> 283 <target> :End of Jupe List
info: returned when using the JUPE command
example: irc.quakenet.org 283 Dana :End of Jupe List
numeric: 284    RPL_FEATURE
format: <source> 284 <target> :<text>
info: returned when using the GET command
example: irc.quakenet.org 284 Dana :String value of HIDDEN_HOST: users.quakenet.org
example: irc.quakenet.org 284 Dana :String value for PROVIDER not set
numeric: 286     RPL_CHKHEAD
format: <source> 286 <target> :Information for <user|host|channel|server> <nick>|<host>|<channel>|<server>
info: returned when using the CHECK command
example: irc.quakenet.org 286 Dana :Information for user Dana
example: irc.quakenet.org 286 Dana :Information for host evil.host.com
example: irc.quakenet.org 286 Dana :Information for channel #channel
example: irc.quakenet.org 286 Dana :Information for server hub1.quakenet.org
numeric: 287    RPL_CHANUSER
format: <source> 287 <target> :  [<clone_count>] [@|+]<nick> (<user>@<host>)   (<account>) <realname>
info: returned when using the CHECK command, "CHECK <channel>"
example: irc.quakenet.org 287 Dana :     2 @Dana (Dana@   (Dana) Dana
numeric: 290    RPL_DATASTR
format: <source> 290 <target> :<text>
info: returned when using the CHECK command
example: irc.quakenet.org 290 Dana :No.   Nick             User        Host
example irc.quakenet.org 290 Dana :1     Dana            Dana       evil.host.com
numeric: 291    RPL_ENDOFCHECK
format: <source> 291 <target> :[<text>]
info: returned when using the CHECK command
example: irc.quakenet.org 291 Dana :
numeric: 301    RPL_AWAY
format: <source> 301 <target> <nick> :<away message>
info: returned when using the WHOIS or WHOWAS command on a user who is (was) marked as being away
info: returned when sending a PRIVMSG, CPRIVMSG, CNOTICE or INVITE to a user who is marked as being away
example: irc.quakenet.org 301 Dana Dana :away from keyboard
numeric: 302    RPL_USERHOST
format: <source> 302 <target> :<info>
info: returned when using the USERHOST command
info: <info> is a space seperated list of one or more of <nick>[*]=<+|-><user@host>, <nick> is the nick of the user, * means the user is an IRC Operator, + means the user is not marked as being away, - means the user is marked as being away, user@host is the part from nick!user@host
example: irc.quakenet.org 302 Dana :Q*=+TheQBot@CServe.quakenet.org Dana=-Dana@Dana.users.quakenet.org
numeric: 303    RPL_ISON
format: <source> 303 <target> :<nick>
info: returned when using the ISON command, <nick> is a space seperated list of one or more nicks
example: irc.quakenet.org 303 Dana :Q Dana
numeric: 304    RPL_TEXT
format: <source> 304 <target> Type Spoofhost [Realhost Ident]
info: returned for a "STATS S" request, [Realhost Ident] is only shown to IRC Operators
example: irc.quakenet.org 304 Dana # Type Spoofhost Realhost Ident
numeric: 305    RPL_UNAWAY
format: <source> 305 <target> :You are no longer marked as being away
info: returned when using the AWAY command without params
example: irc.quakenet.org 305 Dana :You are no longer marked as being away
numeric: 306    RPL_NOWAWAY
format: <source> 306 <target> :You have been marked as being away
info: returned when using the AWAY command with a message
example: irc.quakenet.org 306 Dana :You have been marked as being away
numeric: 311    RPL_WHOISUSER
format: <source> 311 <target> <nick> <user> <host> * :<realname>
info: returned when using the WHOIS command
example: irc.quakenet.org 311 Dana Dana ~Dana Dana.users.quakenet.org * :Dana
numeric: 312    RPL_WHOISSERVER
format: <source> 312 <target> <nick> <server> :<server info>
info: returned when using the WHOIS or WHOWAS command
example: irc.quakenet.org 312 Dana Dana *.quakenet.org :QuakeNet IRC Server
numeric: 313    RPL_WHOISOPERATOR
format: <source> 313 <target> <nick> :is an IRC Operator
info: returned when using the WHOIS command
example: irc.quakenet.org 313 Dana Q :is an IRC Operator
numeric: 314    RPL_WHOWASUSER
format: <source> 314 <target> <nick> <user> <host> * :<realname>
info: returned when using the WHOWAS command
example: irc.quakenet.org 314 Dana Dana- Dana Dana.users.quakenet.org * :Dana
numeric: 315    RPL_ENDOFWHO
format: <source> 315 <target> <mask> :End of /WHO list.
info: returned when using the WHO command
example: irc.quakenet.org 315 Dana #channel :End of /WHO list.
numeric: 317    RPL_WHOISIDLE
format: <source> 317 <target> <nick> <idle_time> <signon_time> :seconds idle, signon time
info: returned when using the WHOIS command
example: irc.quakenet.org 317 Dana Dana 5 1084458353 :seconds idle, signon time
numeric: 318    RPL_ENDOFWHOIS
format: <source> 318 <target> <mask> :End of /WHOIS list.
info: returned when using the WHOIS command
example: irc.quakenet.org 318 Dana Dana :End of /WHOIS list.
numeric: 319    RPL_WHOISCHANNELS
format: <source> 319 <target> <nick> :<channels>
info: returned when using the WHOIS command. <channels> is a space seperated list of one or more channels. channels are listed from newest to oldest as received by the server (joined by the user or bursted) in that order.
info: each channel is formatted as [-][!][@|+|<]<channel>, where @ (+) means the user is opped (voiced) on the channel, < means the user is hidden on the channel (chanmode +D/+d), ! for zombie, if the user has set usermode +d (deafmode) a '-' appears in front of all channels
example: irc.quakenet.org 319 Dana Dana :@#chan1 +#chan2 #chan3 <#chan4 !#chan5 !@#chan6
example: irc.quakenet.org 319 Dana Dana :-@#chan1 -+#chan2 -#chan3 -<#chan4 -!#chan5 -!@#chan6
numeric: 321    RPL_LISTSTART
format: <source> 321 <target> Channel :Users  Name
info: returned when using the LIST command
example: irc.quakenet.org 321 Dana Channel :Users name
numeric: 322    RPL_LIST
format: <source> 322 <target> <channel> <user_count> :[<topic>]
info: returned when using the LIST command
example: irc.quakenet.org 322 Dana #channel 23 :welcome!
numeric: 323    RPL_LISTEND
format: <source> 323 <target> :End of /LIST
info: returned when using the LIST command
example: irc.quakenet.org 323 Dana :End of /LIST
numeric: 324    RPL_CHANNELMODEIS
format: <source> 324 <target> <channel> +[<modes>]
info: returned when using the MODE command, "MODE <channel>"
example: irc.quakenet.org 324 Dana #channel +tncCNul 30
numeric: 329    RPL_CREATIONTIME
format: <source> 329 <target> <channel>