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Prints text in the specified window using the specified color.

/echo [color] [-cdeghiNtsaqlbfnmr] [color name] [#channel|[=]nick|@window] <text>
Switch Meaning
s If a channel/nickname isn't specified, it echoes to the status window.
d If a channel/nickname isn't specified, it echoes to the single message window.
a If a channel/nickname isn't specified, it echoes to the active window.
e Encloses the line in the line spearators.
iN Indents the wrapped line by N characters.
h Forces lines to hard-wrap so resizing the window doesn't change the line.
t Prefixes the line with a timestamp if global time stamping is on or timestamping is on for that window.
q Makes it not display the text if called from an alias using the . prefix.
l Makes it apply the highlight settings to the line that's displayed.
bf Make it apply the beep/flash settings in the window it is echoing to.
n Prevents the echo from hiliting the window switchbar icon.
m Indicates that the line should be treated as a user message, not an event.
g Prevents the line from being logged to the log file.
r Applies the strip settings in the messages dialog.
c Uses the specified color name from the colors dialog.
  • Note that this text is only displayed in your own window and isn't sent to the server.


/echo -a moo

This will print moo to the active window.

/echo -sb moo

This will print moo to the status window and applies the beep setting in the window.

/echo 0 -g #help.script moo

This will print moo to the #help.script channel window in white with preventing it from logging to the log file.

/.echo -q hello

This will not print anything (because of the "." and -q switch).

See Also