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Stops the evaluation of an identifier.


This identifier is used allot in timers and /scon.


.timer 5 60 echo -ag The time is currently $!time

In the above example, if you do not halt the evaluation of the identifier $time it will echo the time the timer was set. Below is an example of how you can test to see the difference between using it and not.

.timerEval 1 1 echo -tag Eval: $time
.timerNoEval 1 1 echo -tag NoEval: $!time
* Active timers:
* Timer eval 1 time(s) 1s delay echo -tag Eval: 12:34:56 (QuakeNet)
* Timer noeval 1 time(s) 1s delay echo -tag NoEval: $time (QuakeNet)
[12:34:57] Eval: 12:34:56
[12:34:57] NoEval: 12:34:57

If you wanted to echo on every status window, your current nickname and the network, you would use /scon and $! to stop the evaluation until the script executes on the correct status window as shown below.

/scon -a echo -s I am $!nick on $!network

If in the above example you didn't halt the identifier it would echo on all status window the nick and network on the currently active status window when triggering the scon command.