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Returns the names of channels which both you and nick are on.


$comchan can have the following properties:

Property Meaning
op returns $true if you're an op on the channel
help returns $true if you have help on the channel
voice returns $true if you have voice on the channel


This example will return all comchans you have with someone:

; begin a new alias, we want to have something like $comchans(<nick>).
alias comchans {
  var %i = 1, %comchans
  ; begin to loop through all comchans
  while (%i <= $comchan($1, 0)) {
    ; set %comchans to all common channels, seperated by space (ascii 32)
    %comchans = $addtok(%comchans, $comchan($1,%i),32)
    ; increase looping-variable
    inc %i
  ; return %comchans
  return %comchans


You should note when using $comchan within the On_nick the IAL has already updated so you must use $newnick not $nick. Here is an example:

; Trigger when someone changes their nick.
on ^*:nick: {
  ; Set %i to the total amount of common channels you and the person changing their nick have in common.
  var %i = $comchan($newnick,0)
  while (%i) {
    ; echo with the color of a nick change to the %i'th common channel the message reguarding the nick change.
    echo $color(nick) -t $comchan($newnick,%i) * $nick changed their nickname to $newnick
    ; Decrease the value of %i so we don't message the same channel twice.
    dec %i
  ; halt the mIRC default action for this event. (must use the ^ prefix with the event for this to work.)

See Also

To get all the channels you are in, look at $chan.