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(Challenge auth 2.0 script based on mIRC 7.42 new identifiers.)
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Revision as of 15:01, 18 July 2015

; Original by doomie @ QuakeNet
; Modified by NaNg @ QuakeNet
; Version 2.0
; Written and tested on mIRC 7.42
; What does this script contains?
;   * ChallengeAuth script based on $hmac and $sha256 which are available from mIRC v7.42.
;   * No addon dll needed for mIRC on tested version.
; What is ChallengeAuth?
;   ChallengeAuth is a safe way to auth to your Q account, without sending your password in plain
;   text over the network. For more information, please read the following link:
;     http://www.quakenet.org/development/challengeauth/
; *****************************************************
; What do I need to configure before using this script?
; *****************************************************
;   You don't need to configure ANYTHING! The scripts can work as is, by executing /ChallengeAuth.
;   If you'd like for it to auto-auth on connect, use /ChallengeAuth.AutoAuth 1.
;   The script will pop up windows asking your username (first time only) and password (every time).
; If you don't want it to pop the password window every time, follow these instructions:
;   The ChallengeAuth.Username and ChallengeAuth.Password right under this documentation needs to
;   be edited for your username and hashed password.
;   To get the hashed password, after loading this script, use:
;     /ChallengeAuth.CreateHash <User> <Pass>
;   where User is your Q account name and Pass is your Q password, and you will be given the hashed
;   password that corresponds to the given user which you should insert in the alias below, e.g:
;     alias -l ChallengeAuth.Password { return <Hashed_Password> }
; Available commands:
;   * ChallengeAuth
;       To auth to the pre-set user and password using the challengeauth.
;   * ChallengeAuth.AutoAuth [1|0]
;       Set 1 to enable to auto-auth on connect or 0 to disable.
;   * ChallengeAuth.CreateHash [<Authname>] [<Pass>]
;       Creates a hashed request according to the given Q user and pass.


alias -l ChallengeAuth.Username {
  if (!%ChallengeAuth.User) {
    !set %ChallengeAuth.User $?="Q account name?"

  return %ChallengeAuth.User

alias -l ChallengeAuth.Password {
  return $ChallengeAuth.CreateHash($ChallengeAuth.Username, $?*="Password for Q account name: $ChallengeAuth.Username ")

alias -l ChallengeAuth.Q { return Q@CServe.quakenet.org }

; id = whether autoauth is on or not.
; $1 = 1 for autoauth or 0 for not.
alias ChallengeAuth.AutoAuth {
  if ($isid) return %ChallengeAuth.AutoAuth

  if ($1 == $null) {
    echo -at ChallengeAuth: Not enough parameters.

  if ($1 !isin 01) {
    echo -at ChallengeAuth: Invalid parameter. Please enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable.

  set %ChallengeAuth.AutoAuth $1
  echo -at ChallengeAuth: Automatic authentication is now $iif(%ChallengeAuth.AutoAuth, ON, OFF)

; $1 = string to lower
alias -l ChallengeAuth.IRCToLower {
  return $replacex($lower($1),$chr(91),$chr(123),$chr(93),$chr(125),$chr(92),$chr(124),$chr(94),$chr(126))

; $1 = Authname, $2 = Password
alias ChallengeAuth.CreateHash {
  if (!$2) {
    echo -ta ChallengeAuth: Not enough values given.

  !var %ChallengeAuth.Hash = $sha256($+($ChallengeAuth.IRCToLower($1),:,$sha256($left($2,10))))

  if ($isid) return %ChallengeAuth.Hash

  !echo -atg ChallengeAuth: Hashed user/pass: %ChallengeAuth.Hash

; Unsets challengeauth vars
alias -l ChallengeAuth.Clear {
  !unset %ChallengeAuth.Active
  !unset %ChallengeAuth.Pass

; $1 = Challenge
alias -l ChallengeAuth.Auth {
  !.msg $ChallengeAuth.Q CHALLENGEAUTH %ChallengeAuth.User $hmac($1, %ChallengeAuth.Pass, sha256) HMAC-SHA-256

alias ChallengeAuth {
  ; If username and password weren't supplied, use the defaults.
  if (!$1) {
    tokenize 32 $ChallengeAuth.Username $ChallengeAuth.Password

  if (!$2) {
    echo -at ChallengeAuth: No Password specified.

  !set %ChallengeAuth.Active $true
  !set %ChallengeAuth.User $1
  !set %ChallengeAuth.Pass $2

  echo -at ChallengeAuth: ChallengeAuth is beginning.
  !.msg $ChallengeAuth.Q challenge

on *:CONNECT: {
  if (($ChallengeAuth.AutoAuth) && ($network == QuakeNet) && ($right($server, 13) === .quakenet.org)) {
    ChallengeAuth $ChallengeAuth.Username $ChallengeAuth.Password

on ^*:NOTICE:*:?: {
  ChallengeAuth.ExecuteInput $1-

on ^*:TEXT:*:?: {
  ChallengeAuth.ExecuteInput $1-

alias -l ChallengeAuth.ExecuteInput {

  if ($fulladdress === Q!TheQBot@CServe.quakenet.org) && ($network === QuakeNet) && ($right($server, 13) === .quakenet.org) {
    if ($1 === CHALLENGE) && ($len($2) == 32) && (%ChallengeAuth.Active) {
      if ($istok($3-, HMAC-SHA-256, 32)) {
        .timer 1 0 ChallengeAuth.Auth $2
      else {
        echo -ts ChallengeAuth: HMAC-SHA-256 is not supported. ChallengeAuth is NOT continuing.
    elseif ($1- == CHALLENGE is not available once you have authed.) && (%ChallengeAuth.Active) {
      echo -ts ChallengeAuth: You are already authed!
    elseif ($1-6 == You are now logged in as) && (%ChallengeAuth.Active) {
      echo -ts ChallengeAuth: You are now authed as ***
    elseif ($1- == Username or password incorrect.) && (%ChallengeAuth.Active) {
      echo -ts ChallengeAuth: Username or password incorrect.

raw 401:*: {
  if ($1- == $me $ChallengeAuth.Q No such nick) && (%ChallengeAuth.Active) {
    echo -ts ChallengeAuth: Q is currently not reachable. Please try again later.

See also