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Revision as of 17:00, 25 February 2011

mIRC 7 (and later) has changed the default text encoding from ANSI to UTF-8 encoded text only. As a result, many of the users who still use older mIRC versions (version 6.*) are not using UTF-8 encoded messages, and their messages can't be viewed in newer, UTF-8 only, clients. It is beyond the scope of the script wiki to explain about UTF-8 and ANSI encodings.

Note: All the following examples and information refers to mIRC 7.1 and later.

Viewing ANSI chars in UTF-8 format

In order to view ANSI encoded text in UTF-8 format, mIRC has two identifiers for the job: $utfencode and $utfdecode, which can be used as in the following example:

alias heb2utf {
  if ($isid) {
    return $utfdecode($utfencode($1-, 177))

  echo -ag $utfdecode($utfencode($1-, 177))

This example transforms Hebrew ANSI chars to UTF-8 encoded chars, and can be used either as an identifier or a command, in which it will either return the encoded text or display it, accordingly.

Sending ANSI chars from UTF-8 format

In order to send ANSI chars, the text should be tranformed to ANSI encoding, and then be sent explicitly (because mIRC transforms the underlying bytes to UTF-8 encoded text and sends it as UTF-8). In order to do so, the raw command with the -n parameter is to be used, as in the following example:

alias sayheb {
  .raw -n PRIVMSG $active : $+ $utfdecode($utfencode($1-), 177)
  echo -at < $+ $iif($chan, $nick($chan, $me).pnick, $me) $+ > $1-

This example writes a Hebrew ANSI encoded message to the active window.


Using the previous alias, automatic possible transformation of ANSI encoded messages to UTF-8 can be done.

on $*:TEXT:$(/[ $+ $chr(224) $+ - $+ $chr(250) $+ ]/):*: {
  if ($heb2utf($1-) != $1-) {
    if ($chan) {
      echo -gt $chan Possible Hebrew translation ( $+ $nick($chan, $nick).pnick $+ ): $heb2utf($1-)
    elseif ($query($nick)) {
      echo -gt $nick Possible Hebrew translation ( $+ $nick $+ ): $heb2utf($1-)

This example catches all messages which may contain Hebrew ANSI encoded chars and displays the UTF-8 encoded transformed message.

This can be used for other languages as well, by following these changes:

  1. Find the ANSI code of the first letter in the new language's alpha-bet, e.g. in this example - 224 is the ANSI code of the first letter in the Hebrew alpha-bet - "Alef"
  2. Find the ANSI code of the last letter in the new language's alpha-bet, e.g. in this example - 250 is the ANSI code of the last letter in the Hebrew alpha-bet - "Tav"
  3. Replace the previously found codes in the regex of the event trigger. This will make the event catch only possible transformable messages, and not all messages.
  4. Replace the GDI charset number in the "heb2utf" alias to the new language number.
  5. Optional: Change the name of the alias "heb2utf" (and all its references) to "<yourlang>2utf", e.g. "greek2utf".

See Also

External links