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; HL server query snippet by Saturn
; 16-04-2009: update to protocol version 48 by NaNg
; 29-01-2011: update to fix UTF8 problem in mIRC 7.* and fixed name problems if last char is space by NaNg
; usage:
; /hlinfo <ip> <port>
; or: /hlinfo <ip>:<port>
; /hlplay <ip> <port>
; or: /hlplay <ip>:<port>
; the alias that opens a new socket if you want to get general information about a running CS-server
alias hlinfo {
  if (!$2) tokenize 58 $1
  ; using a dynamic socket name so we can use multiple instances at once
  var %sock = $+(hlinfo-,$ticks)
  ; construct the query to send to the server
  bset &t 1 255 255 255 255
  bset -t &t 5 TSource Engine Query
  bset &t 25 0
  ; actually open the socket, and send the query
  sockudp -k %sock $1-2 &t
  ; closing the socket after 60seconds if there is no response (else it will be closed by another event (see below))
  .timer $+ %sock 1 60 sockclose %sock
; this event will get all data sent back from the server
on *:UDPREAD:hlinfo-*:{
  ; save it in a binary variable
  sockread -f &reply
  ; set some local variables that we will use below
  var %offset, %name, %map, %game, %num, %max, %ip, %dir
  ; following the protocol, this "m" shows us that we queried a Half-Life 1 server
  if ($chr($bvar(&reply,5)) == m) {
    ; Half-Life 1 info reply
    %offset = 6
    ; save the ip
    %ip = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len($bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text) + 1)
    ; the same
    %name = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len($bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text) + 1)
    ; the current map
    %map = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len($bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text) + 1)
    ; the game directory
    %dir = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len($bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text) + 1)
    ; the name of the game
    %game = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len($bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text) + 1)
    ; current and maximum players
    %num = $bvar(&reply,%offset)
    %max = $bvar(&reply,$calc(%offset + 1))
  ; else we get data for a CS:Source game
  else {
    ; Source info reply
    ; we do the same as above
    %offset = 7
    %name = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len($bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text) + 1)
    %map = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len($bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text) + 1)
    %dir = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len($bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text) + 1)
    %game = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len($bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text) + 1)
    %num = $bvar(&reply,$calc(%offset + 2))
    %max = $bvar(&reply,$calc(%offset + 3))
  ; now we echo all stored details to the active window
  echo -a Info for $sock($sockname).saddr $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).sport
  echo -a Name: %name
  echo -a Map: %map
  echo -a Game: %game
  echo -a Players: %num $+ / $+ %max
  ; and turn off the timer closing the socket
  .timer $+ $sockname off
  ; as we can close it now manually
  sockclose $sockname
; this is the alias that will be called from hlplay to open the socket
alias hlchal {
  ; $1 = ip, $2 = port, $3- = what to call when received
  ; use dynamic socket name as above
  var %sock = $+(hlchal-,$ticks)
  ; construct the query to send to the server
  bset &t 1 255 255 255 255 85 255 255 255 255
  ; open the socket, and ask for a player challenge number
  sockudp -k %sock $1-2 &t
  ; mark it with the ip and port (and the query we want to call when we've received something from the server)
  sockmark %sock $3- $1-2
  ; and make a new timer to close it after 60 seconds
  .timer $+ %sock 1 60 sockclose %sock
; read everything that comes back from the hlchal-* query
on *:UDPREAD:hlchal-*:{
  ; and save it in the binary variable called &reply
  sockread -f &reply
  ; actually call the alias saved in the sockmark (hlplay_query)
  $sock($sockname).mark $bvar(&reply,6,4)
  ; and turn the timer off because we can close it manually
  .timer $+ $sockname off
  sockclose $sockname
; the alias we can call to make everything easier
; it will call other aliases to open sockets etc.
alias hlplay {
  if (!$2) tokenize 58 $1
  hlchal $1-2 hlplay_query
; the alias that opens the _real_ socket to receive data (everything before was just to challenge the server (read the website mentioned above))
alias hlplay_query {
  ; set a binary variable
  bset &query 1 255 255 255 255 85 $3-
  ; use dynamic socket names again
  var %sock = $+(hlplay-,$ticks)
  ; open the socket
  sockudp -k %sock $1-2 &query
  ; and turn on the timer closing the socket after 60seconds
  .timer $+ %sock 1 60 sockclose %sock
; this event will receive all data from the server as response to our query
on *:UDPREAD:hlplay-*:{
  ; we save it in &reply
  sockread -f &reply
  ; set some local variables we will use later
  var %i = 1, %num = $bvar(&reply,6), %offset = 7
  var %count = 0, %name, %kills
  ; and echo the number of players
  echo -a Players on $sock($sockname).saddr $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).sport
  ; now we can loop through all player and save some details about them
  while (%i <= %num) {
    inc %offset
    ; the name
    %name = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len($bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text) + 1)
    ; the kills
    %kills = $bvar(&reply,%offset).long
    if ($isbit(%kills,32)) dec %kills $calc(2^32)
    inc %offset 8
    ; and if there was a player
    if (%name != $null) {
      ; increase the variable that shows us the number of the player
      inc %count
      ; and echo it to the active window with the kills saved above
      echo -a %count $+ . %name - %kills
    ; increase %i so we go on with the next player
    inc %i
  ; if there are no players online, echo it aswell
  if (%count == 0) echo -a No players found!
  ; turn off the timer
  .timer $+ $sockname off
  ; and close the socket manually
  sockclose $sockname