From Scriptwiki
Returns the string N times evaluated.
If N isn't specified, N is set to 1.
var %var = m00 var %string = % $+ var
Now echoing %var would echo "m00" and echoing %string would echo "%var"
echo -a $eval(%string,0) returns %string
This would echo "%string" since %string is not evaluated.
echo -a $eval(%string,1) returns %var
This would echo "%var" since %string is evaluated once. Notice that this is the same as echoing %string
echo -a $eval(%string,2) returns m00
This would echo "m00" since the string is first evaluated to %var and %var is then evaluated to m00
$eval() is usually used with $+() to create dynamic varibles, here is an example:
Varibles set: %show.1 Information for the public! %show.2 Private information! %show.3 Example data. on *:text:!show &:#mychan: { ;If $2 is not a number or its not 1 or greater, return the synopsis. if ($2 !isnum 1-) msg $chan Synopsis: !show <number> ;First use $+() to create the text %show.$2 where $2 is the number you typed after !show, for example 1. ;So its %show.1 you then need to make sure you need to re-evaluated it again, to get the value. ;thus should return: Information for the public! else msg $chan Info: $eval($+(%,show.,$2),2) } !show 1 <Bot> Info: Information for the public! !show 0 <Bot> Synopsis: !show <number> !show 3 <Bot> Info: Example data.
$() is an alias of $eval() but is also used in text matches, for example in on text.