Random password generator

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This script will allow you to generate a random password of required length and using characters you want to.

; Written by Vliedel
; Contact at irc.quakenet.org -> #help.script
; Usage: $pwgen(length,used characters)
; Examples
; $pwgen(10,a-z A-Z)
; $pwgen(30,0-5 ! . @) 
; $pwgen(20,a-z 0-9 0-9)
; $pwgen(17,0-9 $chr(36) $+ - $+ $chr(41))
; **Note**
; if a space (chr 32) is in the used characters, the returned password could be too short
; because mirc cuts of double spaces and spaces at the beginning and end of the returned password 

alias pwgen {
  ; first we check if this alias is used as identifier
  if (!$isid) { return }
  ; also check if the length is not 0
  if ($int($1) == 0) { return }   
  ; the next part will fill &chars with characters that can be picked to make the password
  ; we cycle the different sets of "used characters"
  var %i = $numtok($2,32)
  while (%i > 0) {
    var %set = $gettok($2,%i,32)
    ; get the ascii values of the two characters
    var %asc1 = $asc($left(%set,1)) , %asc2 = $asc($right(%set,1))
    var %j = $iif(%asc1 < %asc2,%asc1,%asc2) , %max = $iif(%asc1 < %asc2,%asc2,%asc1)
    ; we will loop from the smallest ascii number to the largest
    while (%j <= %max) {
      ; we add the ascii value to the &chars binvar
      ; we use a binvar so we won't get troubles with the maximum length of a variable
      bset &chars $calc($bvar(&chars,0) + 1) %j
      inc %j
    dec %i
  ; check if &chars is not empty
  if ($bvar(&chars,0) == 0) { return }
  ; now we filled &chars we randomly pick characters out of &chars to make the password
  var %i = $iif($abs($int($1)) > 900,900,$v1)
  ; we do this $1 times, as long as its not larger then 900
  ; (wich is approximate the limit of commands)
  while (%i > 0) {
    ; again we use a binvar so we can add spaces
    bcopy &pw %i &chars $rand(1,$bvar(&chars,0)) 1
    dec %i
  ; to avoid the "space bug" (see the note), you may want to use the binvar
  ; in that case we return the binvar name, uncomment the next line
  ; return &pw
  return $bvar(&pw,1,$bvar(&pw,0)).text