Adds or removes an address from your silence list.
/silence [[+|-]<mask>|<nick>]
This command silences/unsilences the specified nick/mask. The silence works server side, unlike ignore you won't receive the messages. The number of silences you can set is given on connect by raw 005. On Quakenet the silence list is normally limited to 15. Note that all entries of your silence list are deleted if you disconnect.
Results are replied with a raw.
Shows your silence list.
/silence *!*@*moo
This would silence every user with a mask matching *!*@*moo.
/silence +fishbot
This would silence the nick fishbot.
/silence -fishbot
This removes silence of the nick fishbot if its in your silence list.
/silence +fishbot,-snailbot
This would silence the nick fishbot and removes silence of the nick snailbot from your silence list.
/silence +~fishbot!*@*
This excludes fishbot from the silence list.
/silence -*
Removes all silences
/silence +!@
Silence also supports CIDRs which are /16 and higher.
/silence +!
This would add a silence to all users authed as "authname".