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Revision as of 22:11, 20 December 2006 by Vliedel (talk | contribs) ($bvar(&test,1,1-) explanation changed)
The $bvar identifier is used to read a binary file
This returns M ascii values starting at byte N from &binvar. If N+M -1 is larger then the size of &binvar, it will return ascii values starting at byte N to the last byte.
You can use N = 0 to return the size of &binvar.
Properties: text, word, nword, long, nlong
The word, nword, long, and nlong properties return values in host or network byte order.
bset &test 1 65 66 67 68 echo -a $bvar(&test,2,3) returns 66 67 68
This returns 3 ascii values starting at the second byte.
bset &test 1 65 66 67 68 echo -a $bvar(&test,0) returns 4
This returns the size of &test, wich contains four ascii values.
bset &test 1 65 66 67 68 echo -a $bvar(&test,1,$bvar(&test,0)) returns 65 66 67 68
This always returns all values in &test. Another way of doing this is echo -a $bvar(&test,1,1-), however this is undocumented.
bset &test 1 65 66 0 67 68 echo -a $bvar(&test,1,4).text returns AB
This returns the plain text of &test. Notice that it only returns text up to a zero value.