From Scriptwiki
Returns the directory for the specified sound files as specified in the Sound Requests dialog.
Returns information on the specified .mp3 file
- Paramaters
- Filename - The file to check. This can be relative to $mircdir or an absolute path, for example "C:\My Folder\My File.mp3")
- Properties
- The following properties return the id3v1 tag values for the specified mp3 file
- .album - returns the album associated with the mp3.
- .title - returns the title of the mp3 sound.
- .artist - returns the album artist of the mp3 sound.
- .year - returns the year the mp3 sound was published.
- .comment - returns the comment associated with the mp3.
- .genre - returns the genre of the mp3 sound.
- .track - returns the track number of the mp3 sound (it's track on .album).
- .length - returns the length of the track in milliseconds(see $calc and $duration to convert).
- .version - returns the version associated with the mp3.
- .bitrate - returns the bitrate of the mp3 in kbits/second.
- .vbr - returns $true if the mp3 has a variable bit rate, otherwise $false
- .sample - returns the sample rate of the mp3 in hertz
- .mode - returns the mode of the mp3, for example, "Stereo" or "Mono"
- .copyright - returns $true if there is associated copyright information, otherwise $false
- .private - returns $true if the mp3 is marked private, otherwise $false
- .crc - returns $true or $false based on CRC checking for this file
- .id3 - returns the version of id3 supported by this mp3
- The following properties return the id3v2 tag values for the specified mp3 file
- .tags - returns a list of id3v2 tags for this file
- . tag - returns the Nth id3v2 tag for this file. For example: $sound(test.mp3,2).tag return the 2nd id3v2 tag listed in $sound(test.mp3).tags
- The following properties return the id3v1 tag values for the specified mp3 file
echo -atg $sound(test.mp3).title
This would echo the id3v1 title of the file
echo -atg $sound(test.mp3,$findtok($sound(test.mp3).tags,TIT2,1,32)).tag
This would search for the tag number of TIT2, and return that tag for test.mp3. Therefore, echoing the id3v2 title
echo -atg $sound(test.mp3,0).tags
This would echo a list of id3v2 tags for the mp3