On close

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The on CLOSE events trigger for various events relating to the closing of a window.

on <level>:CLOSE:<?|@|=|!|*>:<commands>

Read access levels to get more info about the <level> field.

The location where this event occurrs can be either a channel (#), a query (?), a DCC-window (=) or a fileserver-window (!) or everything (*).

Note that in the case of dcc sessions, it is trigger when a dcc connection has closed.


On *:CLOSE:*: {
 echo -s $target was just closed.

This example would trigger on every close of a window and echo it to the status window.

on *:CLOSE:?: {
 msg $target I have just closed your query-window, $nick $+ !

This triggers on the close of a query window and sends the nick a message.

on ^*:CLOSE:?: {
 if ($nick == idiot) {

This example triggers before a query has openend, checks if the nick is idiot and if it is, halts mirc's process, so that the window wont open at all.

See Also

To trigger on the opening of a window, take a look at the On open event.